

这是“今晚主演Jimmy Fallon”的一周“第一” – 包括来自美国第一夫人的访问。但米歇尔·奥巴马所做的不仅仅是一次传统的采访:她加入了喜剧演员威尔·法瑞尔和法伦的“Ew!”。 – Fallon的“深夜”中最受欢迎的草图之一。 

这不是FLOTUS的第一个Fallon牛仔竞技表演。她最令人难忘地展示了她在“妈妈跳舞的演变”中的举动,这是Will Smith在周一首次“今晚秀”中演出的一个例子。 

我新!” Fallon吸引了少女Sara,这是一个在她的地下室里拍摄的TeenNick节目的“ew”练习主持人。在最新的短剧中,Sara的客人是“Stacy Wallace” – 辫子的Ferrell和露背迷你裙 – 以及奥巴马夫人. 

VIP是一切游戏 – 除了制作外,就像Ferrell用Harry Styles的海报做的那样。这包括一个“害羞的对峙”,一个与“女孩”的“三手拥抱”和一个舞会(在他们被萨拉的愚蠢的继子,加里打断之前). 

第一位女士是外交官,但她确实提供了她自己的一些轻蔑的“ews”:果冻甜甜圈(Let’s Move倡议创始人提供她的共同主持人羽衣甘蓝筹码)和电影明星Will Ferrell(Stacy不同意并制作出来)与费雷尔爆头). 




“事实是,年轻人是傻瓜,”她说。 “他们是第一次做饭的人,他们的手指开着。” 

在交换了关于他们第一次学校舞蹈的故事后,奥巴马夫人将主持人称为“出汗的人之一”。他试图通过摇动她的手来证明其他方面 – 但即使他把它擦干净,她还是假装退缩. 


这就是你如何在“The Tonight Show”上放下麦克风。



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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the content of the article, it appears to be written in Chinese. The article discusses Michelle Obamas appearance on “The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon” and her participation in the popular sketch “Ew!” with Will Ferrell and Fallon. The article also mentions Obamas previous appearance on the show and her dance moves. The author highlights the humor and entertainment value of the segment, but also notes Obamas advocacy for affordable healthcare for young people. Overall, the article provides a lighthearted and informative take on Obamas appearance on the show.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the content of the article, it appears to be written in Chinese. The article discusses Michelle Obamas appearance on “The Tonight Show with Jimmy Fallon” and her participation in the popular sketch “Ew!” with Will Ferrell and Fallon. The article also mentions Obamas previous appearance on the show and her dance moves. The author highlights the humor and entertainment value of the segment, but also notes Obamas advocacy for affordable healthcare for young people. Overall, the article provides a lighthearted and informative take on Obamas appearance on the show.

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