



米歇尔 Dockery and Dan Stevens from Downton Abbey
来自唐顿庄园的Michelle Dockery和Dan Stevens 杰作



“团聚,”多克里在一张黑白照片上写着一个标题。 “我错过了这张脸。”


更多:通过嗅盐! ‘唐顿庄园’以第6季结束了比赛







“Downton Abbey”的最后一季将在今年冬天在PBS上播出.

关注Ree Hines 推特 谷歌+.

About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the topic, it seems to be related to the TV series “Downton Abbey” and the reunion of the characters Matthew and Mary. It is great news for the fans who have been heartbroken since Matthews fate in the show. The reunion was celebrated by the actors Michelle Dockery and Dan Stevens, who played Mary and Matthew, respectively. The reunion took place at a BAFTA event to commemorate the end of the beloved series. The final season of “Downton Abbey” will air on PBS this winter.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the topic, it seems to be related to the TV series “Downton Abbey” and the reunion of the characters Matthew and Mary. It is great news for the fans who have been heartbroken since Matthews fate in the show. The reunion was shared on social media by the actors Michelle Dockery and Dan Stevens, who played Mary and Matthew, respectively. The reunion took place at a BAFTA event to celebrate the end of the beloved series. The final season of “Downton Abbey” will air on PBS this winter.

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