

尽管有报道说前“Rock of Love Charm School”选手正在起诉沙龙奥斯本因涉嫌12月的头发拉伤事件,该真人秀节目主持人告诉Access好莱坞没有诉讼.

本周早些时候,“Charm School’s”Megan Hauserman在洛杉矶法院提起诉讼,声称因为12月份在“魅力学校”结局录制期间发生的事件造成电池,疏忽和故意造成情绪困扰。据美联社报道,这起诉讼声称奥斯本袭击了豪瑟曼,拉扯她的头发并刮伤了她.



“(Hauserman)起诉整个头发拉动的东西吗?”AccessHollywood.com的盐之菜,Laura Saltman,周四晚在洛杉矶AREA举行的“美国偶像”前13名派对上向Osbourne问道.




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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or cultural background. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    Despite reports that former “Rock of Love Charm School” contestant is suing Sharon Osbourne for an alleged hair-pulling incident in December, the reality show host told Access Hollywood that there is no lawsuit. Earlier this week, “Charm Schools” Megan Hauserman filed a lawsuit in a Los Angeles court, claiming battery, negligence, and intentional infliction of emotional distress due to an incident that occurred during the taping of the shows finale. According to the lawsuit, Osbourne attacked Hauserman, pulling her hair and scratching her. The lawsuit, called “Sharon and Megans Big Showdown” on VH1s website, seeks a jury trial and punitive damages against Osbourne. However, according to Osbourne, this is not the case. “Did (Hauserman) sue for the whole hair-pulling thing?” AccessHollywood.coms Laura Saltman asked Osbourne at the “American Idol” Top 13 party in Los Angeles on Thursday night. “What girl?” Osbourne replied. “Arent you being sued?” Saltman continued, referring to the lawsuit. “No. Me? No,” Osbourne said.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or cultural background. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    Despite reports that former “Rock of Love Charm School” contestant is suing Sharon Osbourne for an alleged hair-pulling incident in December, the reality show host told Access Hollywood that there is no lawsuit. Earlier this week, “Charm Schools” Megan Hauserman filed a lawsuit in a Los Angeles court, claiming battery, negligence, and intentional infliction of emotional distress due to an incident that occurred during the taping of the shows finale. According to the lawsuit, Osbourne attacked Hauserman, pulling her hair and scratching her. The lawsuit, called “Sharon and Megans Big Showdown” on VH1s website, seeks a jury trial and punitive damages against Osbourne. However, according to Osbourne, this is not the case. “Did (Hauserman) sue for the whole hair-pulling thing?” AccessHollywood.coms Laura Saltman asked Osbourne at the “American Idol” Top 13 party in Los Angeles on Thursday night. “What girl?” Osbourne replied. “Arent you being sued?” Saltman continued, referring to the lawsuit. “No. Me? No,” Osbourne said.

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