

在过去的几年里,女孩似乎已经占领了世界 – 或者至少是“女孩”这个词。从电视节目如“女孩”,“2打破女孩”和“新女孩”到碧昂丝的大片“跑世界(女孩)”,女孩的力量自从辣妹女孩以来就没有引起如此多的关注.


“我是一名年轻的律师(和一名男士),”礼仪问询者写道。 “我和一位更资深的女律师合作,她将我们办公室的秘书称为’女孩’。她会说,“请把这些文件交给外面的女孩,”或者“接待处的女孩为你准备好包裹。”但这些大多是中年妇女,而且通常比我的律师同事年龄大。但是,她所谈论的女性似乎并不介意。这种行为不是性别歧视吗?我应该说点什么吗?“

Social Q的专栏作家Philip Galanes认为高级律师的行为不合适,但是Kathie Lee和Hoda对此有了一点了解.

“我不同意,”Kathie Lee谈到Galanes的回答,然后开玩笑说,“在60岁时,被称为女孩感觉很好。”



“我喜欢’广泛’这个词,”Kathie Lee说。 “’把它送到前台的广泛,’ – 我喜欢这样。这就说明了一切。“

Kathie Lee还提到她的丈夫Frank称女性为“女孩”,她和Hoda同意她更多的是“代际”描述.


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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or cultural background. However, I can understand that the article discusses the use of the term “girl” in the workplace and its potential implications. While some may argue that it is harmless or even endearing, it can also be seen as belittling or dismissive. It is important to be mindful of the language we use and how it may affect others, regardless of gender or age. Using more inclusive and respectful language can create a more positive and inclusive work environment.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or cultural background. However, I can understand that the article discusses the use of the term “girl” in the workplace and its potential implications. While some may argue that it is harmless or even endearing, it can also be seen as belittling or dismissive. It is important to be mindful of the language we use and how it may affect others, regardless of gender or age. Using more inclusive and respectful language can create a more positive and inclusive work environment.

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