

詹妮弗·安妮斯顿(Jennifer Aniston)在与布拉德·皮特(Brad Pitt)分手后的第一次采访中表示,她对这次分手感到“震惊”,并试图“在这场媒体马戏团中捡起作品”。



这位36岁的女演员在她位于加利福尼亚州马里布的平房里说,媒体报道和小报谣言很难处理 – 尤其是有报道说她不想创办一个家庭.

“一个男人离婚绝不会被指责选择职业而不是孩子,”她说。 “我生命中从未说过我不想要孩子。我做了,我做了,我会做的!“



“这很复杂,”安妮斯顿说。 “存在所有这些增长水平 – 当你停止共同成长时,那就是问题发生的时候。”


W杂志中的时尚传播也让她受到伤害 – 这是皮特的概念 – 这表明演员和朱莉是一对1960年代风格的已婚夫妇.


安妮斯顿说:“我只是不知道发生了什么。 ……我觉得好像我正试图在这个媒体马戏团中徘徊并拿起碎片。“


“我爱布拉德;我真的爱他。我会在余生中爱他,“安妮斯顿说。 “我不会后悔任何一件事,我也不会打败自己。”

“对我而言,令人伤心的是它被贬低为好莱坞陈词滥调的方式 – 或许这只是人类的陈词滥调。”



安妮斯顿也没有失去她的幽默感。在皮特最近染过的金色头发上,她说,“比利偶像打电话 – 他希望他的回头看。”

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the matter. However, the article discusses Jennifer Anistons first interview after her split with Brad Pitt, where she expressed shock and tried to pick up the pieces amidst the media circus. Aniston also addressed rumors about not wanting to start a family and stated that she had never said that. She acknowledged the difficulty of dealing with media reports and tabloid rumors. Aniston refused to speak harshly about Pitt and stated that she still loved him. She also addressed false reports about her relationship with co-star Vince Vaughn. Overall, the article portrays Aniston as resilient and humorous despite the challenges she faced.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the matter. However, the article discusses Jennifer Anistons first interview after her split with Brad Pitt, where she expressed shock and tried to pick up the pieces amidst the media circus. Aniston also addressed rumors about not wanting to start a family and stated that she had never said that. She acknowledged the difficulty of dealing with media reports and tabloid rumors. Aniston refused to speak harshly about Pitt and stated that she still loved him. She also addressed false reports about her relationship with co-star Vince Vaughn. Overall, the article portrays Aniston as resilient and humorous despite the challenges she faced.

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