


“亲爱的布丽吉特,我的力量每天都在消失,”这位着名飞行员查尔斯·A·林德伯格(Charles A. Lindbergh)在他去世前10天写的信写道。 “情况非常严重。写作非常困难。“



Astrid Bouteuil,Dyrk Hesshaimer和David Hesshaimer与传记作家Rudolf Schroeck合作,共368页的“Charles A. Lindbergh的双重生活”,由兰登书屋的一个部门Heyne Verlag出版。这本书描述了Lindbergh和他们的母亲慕尼黑帽子制造商Brigitte Hesshaimer之间的长期秘密关系.

该书还说林德伯格有两个孩子,每个孩子都有Brigitte Hesshaimer的姐姐Marietta,还有他的德国私人秘书Valeska,他的姓氏没有给出。该出版商表示,目前还没有计划出版这本书的英文版.

本书的核心是2001年去世的Brigitte Hesshaimer保留的信件中的选择。这些信件是用英文写的。.

字母的语气经常被保留 – 就像林德伯格本人一样。他与作家Anne Morrow Lindbergh的婚姻一直持续到他72岁时在夏威夷去世,但在他生命的后期,他大部分时间都在漫游美国和全球,成为美国政府的商人和顾问。.

他和他的妻子有六个孩子,其中包括1932年被绑架并被谋杀的小查尔斯。 Anne Morrow Lindbergh于2001年去世.


Dyrk Hesshaimer周五出现在柏林签署的一本书上,他说他的家人已与美国的几位林德伯格接触,并表示他们并不反对这本书。 “这是我们自己的故事,”Hesshaimer说道,他瘦长的框架和略显懒散的姿势像Charles Lindbergh的老照片。 “他们没有反对它。”

他说,在慕尼黑大学进行的DNA检测证实了亲子关系,Lindbergh的孙子Morgan Lindbergh给出了基因样本。.



这些信件的主题通常都是隐晦的,其中一个据说是林德伯格对Brigitte对她怀孕的消息的回应。信中写道:“你发来的新闻非常精彩​​,而且我非常高兴。” “我希望我能和你在一起,而不是写这封信……”





这些信件确实描述了一种秘密的乐趣虽然Lindbergh是公开的非吸烟者,但是来自“C.”的一封信向Brigitte回忆说“我刚刚点燃了我的第二支香烟 – 太棒了!我希望我可以为你点燃它。“

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    On the unstable penmanship left on the blue onion skin, the man who only signed as “C.” sent his final farewell. “My strength is disappearing every day, my dear Brigitte,” wrote the famous pilot Charles A. Lindbergh in a letter ten days before his death. “The situation is very serious. Writing is very difficult.” “All my love to you and the children that I can send.” The photo of this letter was part of a book published this week in Germany, co-authored by three siblings who claim to be the illegitimate children of the first solo transatlantic pilot. Astrid Bouteuil, Dyrk Hesshaimer, and David Hesshaimer collaborated with biographer Rudolf Schroeck on the 368-page “Charles A. Lindberghs Double Life,” published by Heyne Verlag, a division of Random House. The book describes the long-secret relationship between Lindbergh and their mother, Brigitte Hesshaimer, a hatmaker from Munich. The book also says that Lindbergh had two children, each with Brigitte Hesshaimers sister Marietta, and also with his German private secretary Valeska, whose surname is not given. The publisher said there are currently no plans to publish an English version of the book. The core of the book is a selection of letters preserved by Brigitte Hesshaimer, who died in 2001. These letters were written in English. The tone of the letters is often preserved – just like Lindbergh himself. His marriage to writer Anne Morrow Lindbergh lasted until his death at 72 in Hawaii, but in his later life, he spent most of his time roaming the United States and the world, becoming a businessman and adviser to the US government. He and his wife had six children, including Charles Jr., who was kidnapped and murdered in 1932. Anne Morrow Lindbergh died in 2001. According to reports, DNA confirmed the claim that Charles Lindbergh was born in Detroit and grew up on a farm near Little Falls, Minnesota. In 1927, he caused a sensation by flying his single-engine plane, the “Spirit of St. Louis,” from New York to Paris in 33 hours. Dyrk Hesshaimer

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    On the unstable penmanship left on the blue onion skin, the man who only signed as “C.” sent his final farewell. “My strength is disappearing every day, my dear Brigitte,” wrote the famous pilot Charles A. Lindbergh in a letter ten days before his death. “The situation is very serious. Writing is very difficult.” “All my love to you and the children that I can send.” The photo of this letter was part of a book published this week in Germany, co-authored by three siblings who claim to be the illegitimate children of the first solo transatlantic pilot. Astrid Bouteuil, Dyrk Hesshaimer, and David Hesshaimer collaborated with biographer Rudolf Schroeck on the 368-page “Charles A. Lindberghs Double Life,” published by Heyne Verlag, a division of Random House. The book describes the long-secret relationship between Lindbergh and their mother, Brigitte Hesshaimer, a hatmaker from Munich. The book also says that Lindbergh had two children, each with Brigitte Hesshaimers sister Marietta, and also with his German private secretary Valeska, whose surname is not given. The publisher said there are currently no plans to publish an English version of the book. The core of the book is a selection of letters preserved by Brigitte Hesshaimer, who died in 2001. These letters were written in English. The tone of the letters is often preserved – just like Lindbergh himself. His marriage to writer Anne Morrow Lindbergh lasted until his death at 72 in Hawaii, but in his later life, he spent most of his time roaming the United States and the world, becoming a businessman and adviser to the US government. He and his wife had six children, including Charles Jr., who was kidnapped and murdered in 1932. Anne Morrow Lindbergh died in 2001. According to reports, DNA confirmed the claim that Charles Lindbergh was born in Detroit and grew up on a farm near Little Falls, Minnesota. In 1927, he caused a sensation by flying his single-engine plane, the “Spirit of St. Louis,” from New York to Paris in 33 hours. Dyrk Hesshaimer

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