关于杰克逊的同事的证词标志着杰克逊的前妻德博拉·罗(Deborah Rowe)连续第二天对检察官提起诉讼,这些检察官在儿童猥亵审判中称她为立场.
她说,他们招募她制作一个赞美杰克逊的视频,然后卖掉了数百万美元并保留了这笔钱。她说视频的组织者Marc Schaffel向她吹嘘他赚了多少钱杰克逊.
当一名辩护律师问她是否仍然认为杰克逊是朋友时,她似乎对与杰克逊的关系感到遗憾。 “是的,”她补充道,“如果他跟我说话的话。”
当她描述她对杰克逊的感受时,她后来变得眼泪汪汪,杰克逊曾一度轻拍他的眼睛。 Rowe只对她的前夫和Schaffel以及另外两名未被指控的同谋者表达了恶意,并说“我认为他们是机会主义的秃鹰”。
Rowe在1996年结婚时是杰克逊医生的护士,他们有两个孩子–8岁的Prince Michael和7岁的巴黎.
地方检察官Tom Sneddon说Rowe会告诉陪审团她的言论是在她赞扬杰克逊的单独反驳视频中编写的。.
Rowe的第二天证词是在杰克逊的律师试图以她周三所说的一切动议中止她的外表之后出现的 – 他们在星期四的质疑之后放弃了这一行动,引发了关于杰克逊的更多积极的证词。他们提出动议的理由并未公开.
当地方检察官Ron Zonen询问她对录像的看法时,她说,“我很高兴能够这样做。我会看到孩子们,并可以与杰克逊先生重建关系。“
但在小托马斯·梅瑟罗(Thomas Mesereau Jr.)的盘问下,她说她没有责怪杰克逊让她远离年轻人,但觉得他的顾问和律师已经调解了.
As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the topic. However, the article discusses the testimony of Deborah Rowe, the mother of Michael Jacksons two children, in the child molestation trial. Rowe described Jackson as a good father who lived with his children and was a victim of opportunistic vultures who tried to make millions from his troubles. She also accused Jacksons associates of conspiring to kidnap her family to make a video praising him. Rowes testimony was sometimes dry, salty, and sarcastic, and she expressed animosity only towards her ex-husband and Schaffel, whom she called opportunistic vultures. The article also mentions that Jackson was accused of molesting a 13-year-old cancer patient and conspiring to kidnap the plaintiffs family. The prosecution claimed that Rowes statements were scripted, but she denied it and said she agreed to make the video to help Jackson and see her children. The article concludes by stating that the prosecution may rest on Tuesday and that Jacksons lawyer dropped his motion to dismiss Rowes testimony.
As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the topic. However, the article discusses the testimony of Deborah Rowe, the mother of Michael Jacksons two children, in the child molestation trial. Rowe described Jackson as a good father who lived with his children and was a victim of opportunistic vultures who tried to make millions from his troubles. She also accused Jacksons associates of conspiring to kidnap her family to make a video praising him. Rowes testimony was sometimes dry, salty, and sarcastic, and she expressed animosity only towards her ex-husband and Schaffel, whom she called opportunistic vultures. The article also mentions that Jackson was accused of molesting a 13-year-old cancer patient and conspiring to kidnap the plaintiffs family. The prosecution claimed that Rowes testimony was scripted, but she denied it. Rowe agreed to make a video praising Jackson because she wanted to help him and see their two children. The article also mentions that the defense dropped their motion to dismiss Rowes testimony after questioning her on Thursday.