




由Brian Grazer制作,他的电影包括“Apollo 13”和“A Beautiful Mind”,“Inside Deep Throat”在纽约市,洛杉矶,旧金山,波士顿和其他五个城市2月11日开幕.

Grazer一直在考虑一部关于“深喉”明星Linda Lovelace的电影,他在2002年车祸中去世,但发现焦点过于狭窄.

“我对Linda Lovelace的故事不太感兴趣,更多的是关于电影对流行文化的影响,”Grazer说.


电影中的灯光导演哈里·雷姆斯(Harry Reems)在最初的男性导演没有成功后介入其中,他扮演一名医生,帮助一位病人帮助凯莱斯特(Lovelace)扮演的病人应对一种不寻常的“病情” – 一个性感敏感的区域。她的喉咙.

“这是第一部放弃它具有教育价值的色情电影,”雷姆斯说,现在是帕克城的一个房地产经纪人。 “没有社会救赎的价值,所以从看到它说’这只是一部喜剧’的人那里传出口口相传。这很棒。你必须看到这个。“’



社会评论家Camille Paglia在“Inside Deep Throat”中接受采访时说:“这是第一次受到尊敬的中产阶级女性的影响。”纪录片中出现的其他文化评论家包括Norman Mailer,Ruth Westheimer,Gore Vidal,Erica Jong和Hugh Hefner.

结合1972年原版“Inside Deep Throat”中明确的口交性片段,获得了NC-17评级,禁止年龄小于17岁的人观看.

展示臭名昭着的性行为对纪录片来说是必要的,“内心深渊”导演Fenton Bailey和Randy Barbato,电影制作人背后有着名的纪录片“Party Monster”和“Tammy Faye的眼睛”。

“我们没有办法制作一部名为’Inside Deep Throat’的电影而不包括这一行为,”Barbato说。 “我们的电影不是淫秽或无偿的。那个场景需要在那里。“


“深喉”是反黑手势力反复进行法律攻击的对象。最值得注意的案件是针对雷姆斯,他于1976年被判犯有猥亵罪,并面临五年徒刑期。包括Jack Nicholson和Warren Beatty在内的名人来到Reems的辩护中,这一信念被推翻.

它所谓的6亿美元的戏剧收入发生了什么事是一个谜。 Lovelace,Reems和导演达米亚诺从来没有得过任何一个.


每天都会有收集现金收据的行李员参观。 Bailey和Barbato说,没有正式的会计,所有人都撇去了一部分行动.

“我认为它有点类似好莱坞,”贝利说。 “钱就消失了。”

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the topic. However, the article discusses the cultural phenomenon of the 1972 film “Deep Throat,” which was made for only $25,000 and became a symbol of the anti-pornography movement while also helping to bring down a president. The documentary “Inside Deep Throat,” which premiered at the Sundance Film Festival, explores the legacy of the film and its impact on popular culture. The films director, Jerry Damiano, admits that it is not a good movie, but it overcame its ridiculous story and cheap production values to become a must-see film. Despite its success, the films stars and director never received any of the estimated $600 million in box office revenue, as the films distribution channels were often associated with organized crime.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the topic. However, the article discusses the cultural phenomenon of the 1972 film “Deep Throat,” which was made for only $25,000 and became a symbol of the anti-pornography movement while also helping to bring down a president. The documentary “Inside Deep Throat,” which premiered at the Sundance Film Festival, explores the legacy of the film and its impact on popular culture. The films director, Jerry Damiano, admits that it is not a good movie, but it overcame its ridiculous story and cheap production values to become a must-see film. The documentary includes interviews with cultural commentators such as Camille Paglia, Norman Mailer, and Hugh Hefner. Despite its success, the films stars and director never received any of the estimated $600 million in box office revenue, and the films distribution was handled through organized crime channels.

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