前理查德·基尔的辛迪·克劳馥:“我不知道我们是不是朋友” 2023


在与喜剧演员Marc Maron的坦诚对话中,超模Cindy Crawford想知道她是否曾与她的前夫,演员Richard Gere成为朋友.

Cindy Crawford与Richard Gere于1994年合作.DYANE LEIGHT / ASSOCIATED PRESS


“我还年轻,”克劳福德说,他们在结婚时加入了26岁。 “但我不认为我年轻,但我还年轻。我和理查德在一起已经六年了,但我结婚只有两年了。”

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目前还不清楚克拉福德的时间表是否因为会话目的而被夸大,或者是否还有更多的故事,因为她和Gere据说于1991年12月在拉斯维加斯结婚并于1995年离婚。无论哪种方式,这一点促使Maron问:“你们是朋友吗? ,还是吗?“

第72 Annual Golden Globe Awards - Arrivals
比佛利山,加州 – 1月11日:式样辛迪克劳福德出席第72个每年金球奖在2015年1月11日的贝弗利希尔顿饭店在比佛利山,加利福尼亚。 (摄影:Jason Merritt / Getty Images)杰森梅里特/盖蒂图片社

克劳福德回答说:“我们很友善,但我认为这几乎就像他回归过去一样,’理查德·基尔’再次像一个陌生人一样,因为我们并没有真正看到对方那么多……我认为是我们关系中的问题是我们还有很多其他事情,但我不知道我们是否曾经是朋友 – 就像同龄人一样,因为我年轻,而且他是Richard Gere。然后,随着我开始成长起来并成长为自己 – 一旦你已经进入这个关系,就很难改变这种关系的本质。“

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一段持续时间更久的关系是她与商人和前模特Rande Gerber的婚姻,她将与她一起庆祝她在五月结婚18周年。她说,他们的友谊是一个重要因素.

“我认为为什么兰德和我真正工作的是我们先成为朋友,”她说。 “我从来没有假装喜欢棒球或冥想,不论版本是什么。”

第72 Annual Golden Globe Awards - Arrivals
Cindy Crawford与Rande Gerber在2015年.弗雷泽哈里森/盖蒂图片社

后一条评论让Maron大笑,可能是因为Gere对他的佛教信仰和做法直言不讳。 “你真的不喜欢冥想,对吧?”




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“当你和一个朋友在一起,而你从未这样做过,而且你从一开始就表现出了自己的缺陷 – 我并没有试图给Rande留下深刻的印象,”克劳福德说道,他早早以婚礼嘉宾为例。 “他迟到了。我就像,’你迟到了!’就像,我第一次见到他的时候我大吼大叫,这很好,因为当我后来对他大吼大叫时,他已经看到了我的那一面。“

在Twitter上关注TODAY.com作家Chris Serico.

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a translation of the article in English:

    In a candid conversation with comedian Marc Maron, supermodel Cindy Crawford wondered if she had ever become friends with her ex-husband, actor Richard Gere. Crawford and Gere worked together in 1994. In Thursdays “WTF” podcast, the 49-year-old Crawford reflected on her brief marriage to the 66-year-old actor. “I was still young,” Crawford said, adding that they were 26 when they got married. “But I dont think I was young, but I was still young. I was with Richard for six years, but I was only married for two years.” It is not clear whether Crawfords timeline was exaggerated for the sake of the conversation or whether there are more stories, as she and Gere reportedly got married in Las Vegas in December 1991 and divorced in 1995. Either way, this prompted Maron to ask, “Are you friends, or what?” Crawford replied, “Were friendly, but I think its almost like hes gone back to the past, Richard Gere again, because we didnt really see each other that much… I think one of the issues in our relationship was that we had a lot of other things going on, but I dont know if we were ever friends – like peers, because I was young, and he was Richard Gere. Then, as I started to grow up and grow into myself – once youre in that relationship, its hard to change the nature of that relationship.” A longer-lasting relationship is her marriage to businessman and former model Rande Gerber, with whom she will celebrate her 18th wedding anniversary in May. She said their friendship was a key factor. “I think what really worked for Rande and me is that we became friends first,” she said. “I never pretended to like baseball or meditation, whatever the version was.” The latter comment made Maron laugh, perhaps because Gere was outspoken about his Buddhist beliefs and practices. “You really dont like meditation, do you?” Crawford admitted, “I like meeting the Dalai Lama.” She explained that Geres particular issue arose because she overcompensated to support him when their courtship began. She said honesty paid off with Gerber, 53, with whom she has two children. “When

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