

想想您即将在假日卡片中包含的年度家庭更新中充满了令人印象深刻的里程碑吗?想象一下Angelina Jolie的样子. 

2014年,她与布拉德皮特结婚,被英国女王伊丽莎白二世授予荣誉贵妇,她有着“男性未婚”的最大开放周末,指导自己和皮特参加即将到来的“海边”,现在正准备迎接她执导的另一部电影的圣诞首映,“不间断”。然后是她作为联合国特使的持续角色. 表示不快!

但美国全国广播公司(NBC)周二在今天采访她的汤姆布罗考(Tom Brokaw)承认,他真的最想知道结婚是什么样的。以下是她一些令人惊讶的答案:

“它确实发生了变化,”她说。 “我们有幸遇到这种不寻常的情况,我们和我们的六个孩子结婚了,他们也参加了仪式。我们所有人都同意团结一致,共同致力于这一生。不是因为我们不得不……因为我们绝对相信我们会感受到这么多家庭。“

“我们有更多时刻可以说,’我会成为更好的妻子’,”她说。 “’我要学会做饭。’ [布拉德]说,“噢,亲爱的,知道你擅长什么。” ……但我确实喜欢,’不,不,不,我会把这个妻子的东西弄下来。’他知道我的局限性以及我是一个好妻子和一个好妈妈。“

布拉德 Pitt and Angelina Jolie.
布拉德皮特和安吉丽娜朱莉.KHAP / GG /今天

她和布拉德度过了他们的蜜月 电影 关于陷入困境的婚姻
“[在海边拍摄]感觉就像在蜜月期间做的那样,”她轻笑道。 “我们想尝试一下;我们想互相推动;我们想成为艺术家,看看我们能做些什么。”动态二人组总是看到眼睛对艺术的眼睛吗? “我确信我和这位演员有很多关系,我相信他和导演有很多关系,”她说.

Tom Brokaw与安吉丽娜朱莉在12月9日晚上10点的NBC新闻特刊“Unbroken:The Real Story”中分享得更多。 ET。 “Unbroken”将于12月25日在影院上映.

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or preference. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English for better understanding:

    Are you filled with impressive milestones in your annual family update that you will include in your holiday card? Imagine Angelina Jolies appearance. In 2014, she married Brad Pitt, was honored by Queen Elizabeth II, had the biggest opening weekend for a “male-unfriendly” film, directed another movie, “Unbroken,” which is now preparing for its Christmas premiere, and continued her role as a UN envoy. But the NBC interview with Tom Brokaw on Tuesday revealed that he really wanted to know what marriage was like. Here are some surprising answers: “Did marriage change things between them? You bet!” she said. “It did change. We were fortunate enough to be in a position where we could see this unusual situation and we got married with our six children, and they all participated in the ceremony. We all agreed to be together and to commit to this life. Not because we had to… because we believed in it so much as a family.” Since getting married, Jolie has been interested in improving herself. “We have more moments where I say, Im going to be a better wife,” she said. “Im going to learn to cook. [Brad] says, Oh, honey, know what youre good at…. But I do like, No, no, no, Im going to take this wife thing down. He knows my limitations and that Im a good wife and a good mom.” They spent their honeymoon making a movie about a troubled marriage, “By the Sea.” “It felt like the honeymoon period,” she laughed. “We wanted to try something; we wanted to push each other; we wanted to be artists and see what we could do.” The dynamic duo always sees eye-to-eye on art? “Im sure I have a lot in common with this actor, and Im sure he has a lot in common with the director,” she said. Tom Brokaw shares more with Angelina Jolie on NBC News Special “Unbroken: The Real Story” on December 9 at 10 p.m. ET. “Unbroken” will be released in theaters on December 25. Follow Randee Dawn on Google+ and Twitter.

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