

即使是一个完美的分数也不足以保证在“与星共舞”半决赛中占据一席之地。这就是伊丽莎白伯克利和合作伙伴Val Chmerkovskiy周一晚上学到的,当时他们的第二个舞蹈,一个与职业选手Gleb Savchenko的30分萨尔萨三重奏,随后被淘汰.

在宣布舞厅布景之前的时刻,Chmerkovskiy和伯克利知道他们发现自己站在滑稽人Bill Engvall和他的职业伙伴Emma Slater旁边,在厄运的聚光灯下有些不对劲.

“当我听到我和比尔在那里时,我知道我要回家了,”Chmerkovskiy在节目结束后面对今天的面无表情。 “不,我没想到。当我在那里时,我没有想到任何事情。我不是焦虑或紧张或超级激动。我只是在倾听,找出我的辛勤工作让我得到了什么以及我是否还在工作。“

“我很伤心,”伯克利补充道。 “我不会撒谎,但那个表达方式是什么(来自苏斯博士)?”不要哭,因为它已经结束,微笑,因为它发生了。“


“我觉得有点……傻逼,”她谈到主持人Tom Bergeron透露结果的那一刻。 “下周我感到很兴奋。感觉我们被缩短了。不是我觉得有权利,但我感到兴奋和感激。”


“这个家伙在很多方面激励了我,”伯克利对Chmerkovskiy赞不绝口。 “我对舞蹈的热爱已经回归。…… Val帮助我重新融入了一些深刻的东西,我永远感激不尽。” 

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or cultural background. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    Even a perfect score is not enough to guarantee a spot in the “Dancing with the Stars” semi-finals. This is what Elizabeth Berkley and partner Val Chmerkovskiy learned on Monday night when their second dance, a 30-point salsa trio with professional dancer Gleb Savchenko, was subsequently eliminated. In the moments before the ballroom set was announced, Chmerkovskiy and Berkley knew they found themselves standing next to comedian Bill Engvall and his professional partner Emma Slater, feeling a bit off under the unlucky spotlight. “When I heard that Bill and I were there, I knew I was going home,” Chmerkovskiy said expressionlessly after the show. “No, I didnt expect it. When I was there, I didnt think of anything. I wasnt anxious or nervous or super excited. I was just listening, figuring out what my hard work got me and whether I was still working.” “Im sad,” Berkley added. “I wont lie, but whats that expression (from Dr. Seuss)? Dont cry because its over, smile because it happened.” In addition to feeling sad, the “Saved by the Bell” star was also shocked. Going into the elimination round, Berkley and Chmerkovskiy had 14 more points than Engvall and Slater. “I feel a little…stupid,” she said of the moment when host Tom Bergeron revealed the results. “Im excited for next week. I feel like we got cut short. Not that I feel entitled, but I feel excited and grateful.” After everything was over, she especially appreciated her partner. “This guy has inspired me in so many ways,” Berkley raved about Chmerkovskiy. “My love for dance has come back…Val helped me tap into some deep stuff, and Im forever grateful.”

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