


“Jane the Virgin”明星已向多家媒体证实,她上周与Instagram男友朋友Joe LoCicero订婚后一个月发表Instagram照片.



“我甚至不想说它正在发生,”她告诉人们。 “我只想生活!我认为人们关心的事实是一件巨大的祝福。这是一件美好的事情,所以感觉非常好。但我的另一部分想要保留一些我的东西,因为它不是很多事情我已经不喜欢了。“

2016年,这位女演员在节目中扮演一名脱衣舞女的时候遇到了LoCicero的“Jane the Virgin”,两人在社交媒体上分享了大量关于他们萌芽浪漫的照片.




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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or preference on the topic. However, the article is written in Chinese and it reports that Gina Rodriguez, the star of “Jane the Virgin,” has announced her engagement to her boyfriend Joe LoCicero. She stated that she never dreamed of a wedding but always wanted a great partner, and she found it in Joe. The couple met on the set of the show in 2016 and have been sharing their romance on social media. Gina expressed her excitement about the engagement but also wants to keep some things private.

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