这是一场“Dawson’s Creek”迷你重聚!
“我脸上的笑容……#真实,”Humes在Instagram的标题中写道。 “我心中对这个神奇的灵魂的爱…… #convditional这是今天与’我的电视儿子’的咖啡约会……非常英俊和有才华的@vanderjames。”
James Van Der Beek谈到“外交会做什么?”和他的家庭生活
虽然Humes和John Wesley Shipp(描绘了Beek的角色的父亲)在EW拍摄中明显缺席,但很明显Dawson和他的妈妈仍然感受到爱情是基于演员在Instagram上发自内心的消息.
虽然不幸的是,在作品中没有重聚 – 包括凯蒂·赫尔姆斯和约书亚·杰克逊在内的演员同意“道森的”存在于一个特定的时间和地点,前社交媒体,不应该重新审视 – 我们至少仍然可以享受这些甜蜜时刻(和回归照片!).
Katie Holmes:Dawson’s Creek’感觉就像一个100年前’
As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the context of the topic, it seems to be in Chinese. The article talks about a mini-reunion of the cast of the popular TV series “Dawsons Creek.” James Van Der Beek and Mary-Margaret Humes, who played mother and son in the show, took a cute selfie together and shared it on Instagram. The article also mentions that some of the cast members reunited earlier this year for the 20th anniversary of the shows premiere. Although not all of the cast members were present, fans still enjoyed seeing the sweet moments and reunion photos.