因此,当一个家庭电话会让有执照的心理学家Becky Beaton博士在即将到来的季节首映式上流泪时,请放心,因为她走进了一个特别不愉快的境地。.
在TLC与我们分享的一集中,Becky博士参观了一个充满令人心碎的场景的家庭 – 以及电线,粪便,霉菌等等。.
但是孩子并不是唯一因事态而受苦的人。 Becky博士在走过危险的碎片的同时,发现了几乎无毛,明显被忽视的家犬.
“这只可怜的狗 – 它只是伤了我的心,”她眼里含着泪水说道。 “我不能把那只可怜的狗带走。他们就像这样照顾狗……这是错的。你不能对生物这样做!”
被忽视的孩子,宠物,虫害 – 在“囤积”中最让你失望的是什么?在我们的Facebook页面上分享您的想法.
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As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the topic. However, the article discusses the heartbreaking scene of a family living in a hoarded home, with roaches, decaying rodents, and towering piles of garbage. The licensed psychologist, Dr. Becky Beaton, was brought to tears during her visit to the home, which was not suitable for children or pets. The neglected dog she encountered was almost hairless and clearly suffering. The episode highlights the dangers and consequences of hoarding, not just for the hoarder but also for those around them, including children and animals. It is important to seek help and address the issue before it becomes too late.