上周没穿裤子了 – 除了英国人

上周没穿裤子了 – 除了英国人

随着名人趋势的发展,裆部拍摄并不热。哎呀,即使Lindsay Lohan和Paris Hilton两个赛季前也开始穿内裤。但就在上周,布兰妮斯皮尔斯对这个世界再次对待她的禁忌。为什么直言不讳的流行歌星继续这样做?最新一期的In Touch Weekly提供了英国人对抽屉的厌恶情绪.

“内衣的事情很荒谬 – 我告诉过她,”布兰妮的朋友,珠宝设计师周二骑士告诉她。 “我已经说过,’你不能穿着只穿衬衫的衬衫走进商店。’我告诉过她,当她这么做时,没有人会认真对待她。”

“我喜欢布兰妮 – 喜欢她 – 但她自己带来了很多东西”周二说,并继续解释说,围绕着无内裤的游行开始是李洛,巴黎和英国人之间的恶作剧。 “我听说(他们)谈论他们如何以好玩的方式震撼好莱坞。他们正在讨论如何在我们所有人身上开个玩笑。“

尽管如此,并不是所有的乐趣和游戏。星期二惊慌失措,她着名的朋友的露出习惯正在破坏她作为一个妈妈的形象。 “布兰妮一直是个好母亲,”她坚持道。 “我希望人们知道她是更好的父母 – 而不是凯文! (布兰妮)问我,’难道没有人能看到我的这一部分吗?’答案是,不,他们没有。人们只是读到她没有穿内衣。“ Newsflash,周二他们也看到了.

现在陷入困境的欧文威尔逊重新回到了公众的视野中,似乎他已经将他清醒的伙伴换成了人类垮台的预言,Steve Coogan. 不会有人请听Courtney Love?! 史密斯,你可能还记得,是英国演员和喜剧演员,前加尔考特尼指责欧文的情感和/或药物滥用问题.






这是大便:欧文和船员私下在酒店的图书室里聚会。 “他们有瓶装服务,正在喝伏特加,”一名目击者声称。更有甚者,当欧文第一次到达酒吧时,“他看起来已经喝酒了,”酒店客人杰米勃兰特告诉Life&Style。 “当他进来时,他磕磕绊绊,当他离开时他真的摔倒了。”

尽管有这些说法,一位欧文内部人士表示,这不是饮酒问题。这位家庭朋友说,威尔逊家族认为欧文的障碍“是一种心理健康问题,而不是药物滥用问题”。 “所以欧文的目标不是清醒,而是要对自己感觉更好。”与证人报告相反:欧文的总督派对,演员的代表坚持认为他没有喝醉.

菜在飞行中布拉德·皮特 最近在纽约市举行的克林顿全球倡议会议上发表了讲话,但显然是这样, 安吉丽娜·朱莉 以为他“更适合”提供饮料。根据Life&Style,Angie绝对鄙视布拉德的背心和白衬衫组合。 “她甚至指责他在餐馆里像酒保一样穿着,”一名内部人士说。 “她希望他解雇造型师!” 。 。 “你儿子在做什么谷歌搜索我的女朋友?” 金凯瑞 开玩笑地要求最近写了一篇论文的男孩的父亲 珍妮麦卡锡 和她的自闭症激进主义。据人们报道,喜剧问题是在私人自闭症筹款活动中发生的,这个滑稽的人和gal pal一同出席。但也许吉姆的话含有真正的谨慎 – 毕竟詹妮是一个前花花公子兔子。 … 帮帮我 杰里米·皮文 改变他的轮胎并获得一个吻!据国家询问者迈克沃克报道,这是一位有帮助的女粉丝最近收到的奖励,当她来到“明星伙伴”明星的路边援助时。 Jeremy的高速公路发脾气:他无法改变轮胎引起了幸运的方便女人的注意,她在15分钟内完成了任务.

Tabloid花絮由Helen A.S编辑。 Popkin和Ree Hines.

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or cultural background. However, I can provide a translation of the text in English:

    As celebrity trends continue to develop, crotch shots are not hot. Even Lindsay Lohan and Paris Hilton started wearing underwear two seasons ago. But just last week, Britney Spears broke the taboo again. Why do outspoken pop stars continue to do this? The latest issue of In Touch Weekly offers the British disgust with drawers. “The underwear thing is ridiculous – I told her,” Britneys friend and jewelry designer Tuesday Knight told her. “Ive told her, You cant walk into a store wearing just a shirt. I told her that when she does that, no one will take her seriously.” “I love Britney – love her – but she brings a lot of things on herself,” Tuesday said, explaining that the parade around without underwear began as a prank between Lindsay, Paris, and the British. “I heard (they) were talking about how they were going to shock Hollywood in a fun way. They were talking about how they were going to play a joke on all of us.” Despite this, its not all fun and games. Tuesday panicked, and her famous friends exposure habits are ruining her image as a mother. “Britney has always been a good mother,” she insisted. “I want people to know that shes a better parent – not Kevin! (Britney) asked me, Cant anyone see my part? The answer is no, they cant. People just read that shes not wearing underwear.” Newsflash, Tuesday, theyre seeing it now. Is Owen Wilson off the wagon? Now in trouble, Owen Wilson is back in the public eye, apparently having replaced his sober partner with human collapse prophecy, Steve Coogan. Will anyone listen to Courtney Love?! Smiths, you may recall, is the British actor and comedian who accused Owen of emotional and/or drug abuse issues. Steve and his lawyers denied his alleged bad influence, and now live and style reports that the “Museum Night” co-star is hanging out again, despite Courtneys warning. But according to some L&S spies, Steve isnt the only one drinking with Owen. According to the magazine, Owen “apparently suffered a major setback in the August suicide attempt” and was reportedly drinking heavily at the Viceroy Hotel in Santa Monica earlier this month. 24 photos WireImage slideshow Owen Wilson

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