


34岁的帕特里克·伯克(Patrick Burk)因涉嫌犯罪占有武器罪而被提审。检察官没有他的律师的名字.

港务局发言人Tony Ciavolella表示,伯克在周三晚上通知一名美国联合航空公司的机票代理商,他希望在飞往洛杉矶的航班上携带武器 – 卸下并放在一个袋子里.

Ciavolella说,这位为加利福尼亚州安全公司Gavin de Becker&Associates工作的保镖告诉警方,他本月早些时候曾与摩尔一起前往纽约。他为来自加利福尼亚州和佛罗里达州的Mauser手枪颁发了许可证,而不是纽约,这促使他被捕.

摩尔发言人Mark Benoit表示,这位电影制片人“不在场,并没有对此做任何事情。”

Gavin de Becker说,Burk过去曾被指派保护摩尔,但不是他的私人保镖.




“大多数美国人都和我在一起,”他谈到更严格的枪支管制。 “他们知道鸭猎人不需要Uzis和杀手杀手子弹。”

当周四被要求就摩尔的保镖被捕发表评论时,NRA发言人Andrew Arulanandam说:“根据经验证据,这是虚伪的高度。”

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the topic. However, the article discusses the arrest of Michael Moores bodyguard, Patrick Burk, at Kennedy International Airport for allegedly carrying a gun without a New York license. The spokesperson for the Port Authority, Tony Ciavolella, stated that Burk had informed a United Airlines ticket agent on Wednesday night that he wanted to carry a weapon on the flight to Los Angeles. Burk works for Gavin de Becker & Associates, a security company based in California. The company defended Burk, stating that he followed the correct procedures at the airport. Michael Moore, the filmmaker, who won an Oscar for his documentary “Bowling for Columbine,” has been a vocal critic of the US gun culture. In a 2020 interview with Playboy magazine, Moore called the National Rifle Association a “radical, bizarre group.” The NRA spokesperson, Andrew Arulanandam, dismissed Moores comments on the arrest of his bodyguard as “highly hypocritical.”

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