

大卫·布莱恩(David Blaine)为争夺最令人痛苦的神奇魔术争夺了竞争对手.

魔术师有Jimmy Fallon,The Roots,女演员Priyanka Chopra和观众在周三的“The Tonight Show”中使用缝纫针进行戏法.






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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or preference on any topic. However, I can provide a translation of the given text in English:

    David Blaine competed with his rivals for the most painful magic trick on Wednesdays “The Tonight Show,” using a sewing needle with magician Jimmy Fallon, The Roots, actress Priyanka Chopra, and the audience. Sewing his lips was just half of the trick, as he took it to another level with a deck of cards. Although he is known for his amazing card skills and stunt “death-defying dive,” Blaine took a more brutal approach on Wednesday and succeeded easily. Fallon tweeted the clip live and noted how some viewers fainted. The home audience didnt fare much better. This is all real. People fainted. #FallonTonight #DavidBlaineMagic. – Jimmy Fallon (@jimmyfallon), April 26, 2018. “I really threw up” – SuzetteValliereWight (@MummaZette) April 26, 2018. For those who survived watching the lip-sewing part, Blaine ended up drinking a glass of water and a cork. Were just saying “a frog stuck in your throat” isnt always just a metaphor. Follow TODAY.com writer Scott Stump on Twitter.

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