呼神护卫! “哈利波特”粉丝现在可以发现自己的守护神

呼神护卫! “哈利波特”粉丝现在可以发现自己的守护神

感谢波特莫尔(Pottermore),“哈利波特”(Harry Potter)所有事物的在线家园,粉丝们长期以来能够通过被分类到他们自己的霍格沃茨(Hogwarts)房子中,将他们平凡的生活换成更神奇的东西。.

找到你的守护神! Pottermore首次亮相神奇的新测验


但那些想成为巫师和巫师的人将使用该网站上的最新功能将魔法提升到一个新的水平 – 这个测验将揭示他们的个人守护神!

掠夺 Potter casts the Patronus charm





该 Patronus quiz on Pottermore

新的Pottermore测验,作者J.K.罗琳两年前第一次开玩笑,从狡猾的守护神魅力中解脱出来(以“Excpecto Patronum!”的大声呐喊执行)并向用户展示他们的发光效果.

相关:“哈利波特”的房子在市场上 – 见里面!

该 Patronus quiz on Pottermore



时间敏感的多项选择将会发挥作用,因为三维动画环境预示着前方会有一种不祥的危险 – 可能会有森林中的摄魂怪?



相关:伏地魔混乱! J.K.罗琳透露,我们说“哈利波特”这个名字错了





关注Ree Hines 推特.

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or sentiment towards the topic. However, I can provide a translation of the article from Chinese to English:

    Thank Pottermore for being the online home of all things Harry Potter, where fans have long been able to transform their ordinary lives into something more magical by being sorted into their own Hogwarts house. Find your Patronus! Pottermore debuts magical new quiz Sep.21.201600:42 But those who want to become wizards and witches will use the sites latest feature to take their magic to a new level – this quiz will reveal their personal Patronus! Harry Potter cast the charm of the Patronus. Warner Bros. Lets see what happens! Now Harry Potter fans can discover their own Patronus online Sep.22.201601:03 For non-magical Muggles who are unaware, a Patronus is a big deal in the wizarding world. Illuminated animal guardians can only be called pure positivity, but they have the potential to dispel some of the most negative forces. Pottermores new quiz, which author J.K. Rowling first joked about two years ago, breaks free from the tricky Patronus charm (executed with a loud cry of “Expecto Patronum!”) and shows users their glowing effect. Related: Harry Potters house on the market – see inside! Before answering a series of questions written by Rowling herself, those taking the quiz will be prompted to recall their happiest memories. Pottermores time-sensitive multiple-choice will come into play as the 3D animated environment hints at an ominous danger ahead – could there be a Dementor in the forest? Dont worry. They wont stand a chance against these Pratronus protectors. Pottermore Related: Voldemort chaos! J.K. Rowling reveals weve been saying “Harry Potter” wrong Finally, Rowlings secret algorithm will determine who gets a bat, a bear, a dolphin, or even a stag like Harry himself. The free quiz will be released on Pottermore.com on Thursday morning. Check out this couples Harry Potter-themed wedding May.09.201600:40 Follow Ree Hines on Twitter. Share on TwitterShare on FacebookShare on WhatsAppShare on LinkedInShare on Pinterest.

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