


这些女性参加了Stanley Kubrick的“Strangelove博士”50周年庆典。 (库布里克还执导了“闪灵”。) 


“快来和我们一起玩吧,丹尼,永远,永远,永远,”他们在电影闪烁到他们死去的血腥尸体之前哄骗着平静的英国色调。 (警告:出于这个原因,您可能希望跳过视频。)

虽然伯恩斯的姐妹是同卵双胞胎,格雷迪姐妹不应该是 – 他们应该是8岁和10岁。但由于真正的女演员是双胞胎,大多数观众认为虚构的女孩也是双胞胎. 


想知道哪个是哪个?在给丽莎的推文中,路易斯·伯恩斯说,丽莎在电影照片的左边,但在最近拍摄的右边。 “线索在下巴!”她写道.

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the content of the text, it appears to be written in Chinese. The text discusses the infamous reputation of the Grady sisters, who were played by Lisa and Louise Burns in the 1980 film “The Shining.” The article also mentions their appearance at the 50th anniversary celebration of Stanley Kubricks “Dr. Strangelove.” The Burns sisters are twins, while the Grady sisters in the film were not necessarily twins, but were played by twin actresses. The article also mentions the sisters shared Twitter and Facebook accounts, as well as Lisa Burns personal Twitter account.

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