生日快乐,Olivia de Havilland! “乱世佳人”中的明星变成了100

生日快乐,Olivia de Havilland! “乱世佳人”中的明星变成了100



一个 Academy Tribute to Olivia de Havilland
比佛利山庄,加利福尼亚州 – 6月15日:屏幕传奇奥利维亚·德哈维兰于2006年6月15日在加利福尼亚州比佛利山庄参加电影艺术与科学学院向德哈维兰女士致敬的电影艺术与科学学院。 (摄影:David Livingston / Getty Images)大卫利文斯顿/盖蒂图片社

Olivia de Havilland祝100岁生日快乐!你的Melanie“Mellie”汉密尔顿角色可能缺乏你的身体耐力,但你在数百万人的心目中让她不可磨灭,其表现绝对证明你获得的奥斯卡奖提名.

1916年7月1日出生于东京的英国父母de Havilland和她的妹妹Joan Fontaine在加利福尼亚长大,两人都成为获得奥斯卡奖的女主角(这是唯一一对这样做的兄弟姐妹)。据报道,Fontaine最初接触过Melanie在“GWTW”中扮演的角色,但反对(她想扮演Scarlett O’Hara)并建议她的妹妹代替.

De Havilland在她20岁出头时出现在“GWTW”中,最终在数十部电影和电视节目中出演,赢得两项奥斯卡奖(1947年的“他自己”和1950年代的“女继承人”) 1988年离开了聚光灯.

图片: GONE WITH THE WIND, Olivia De Havilland, 1939
时间在奥利维亚·德·哈维兰(Olivia de Havilland)身上(这里是“乱世佳人”中的梅兰妮).礼貌埃弗雷特收藏/礼貌埃弗雷特收藏

她去年告诉“娱乐周刊”,她看到“GWTW”“大约30次”,它仍然带给她快乐。 “幸运的是,它并没有让我感到忧郁,”她谈到看着她已故的联合主演。 “当我看到他们在屏幕上充满活力时,我会与他们一起重聚,一个快乐的人。”


“我当然喜欢生活一个世纪的想法,”她说。 “你能想象吗?这是多么大的成就。”

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or feelings. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    To be frank, dear, we are damn! Reaching 100 years old is a huge milestone no matter who you are. But as the last surviving actor of one of the most popular (and controversial) movies of all time, “Gone with the Wind,” Olivia de Havilland deserves special congratulations. Happy 100th birthday! Your character Melanie “Mellie” Hamilton may lack your physical stamina, but you have made her unforgettable in the hearts of millions, and your performance earned you an Oscar nomination.

    Born on July 1, 1916, to British parents in Tokyo, de Havilland and her sister Joan Fontaine grew up in California and both became Oscar-winning leading ladies (the only siblings to do so). Fontaine reportedly initially coveted the role of Melanie in “GWTW” but was vetoed (she wanted to play Scarlett OHara) and suggested her sister instead. De Havilland appeared in “GWTW” in her early 20s and went on to appear in dozens of films and TV shows, winning two Oscars (for 1947s “To Each His Own” and 1950s “The Heiress”) before leaving the spotlight in 1988.

    Time on Olivia de Havilland (here as Melanie in “Gone with the Wind”). Courtesy Everett Collection/Courtesy Everett Collection

    She told Entertainment Weekly last year that shes seen “GWTW” “about 30 times” and it still brings her joy. “Fortunately, it doesnt make me melancholy,” she said of watching her late co-stars. “I reunite with them on the screen and Im a happy person.” The article notes that she lives in Paris, still does crossword puzzles, and is working on her memoir. Shes also pleased to have reached such a big milestone. “I certainly like the idea of living a century,” she said. “Can you imagine? What an achievement.”

    Follow Randee Dawn on Google+ and Twitter.

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