尼克·拉奇(Nick Lachey)开启了关于杰西卡的事

尼克·拉奇(Nick Lachey)开启了关于杰西卡的事


周末,尼克与Access好莱坞的Nancy O’Dell坐下来谈论他的新专辑和没有Jessica Simpson的生活.




“没有。我不认为我会恨她。我认为这更像是对这种情况的厌恶。这更关乎我,“他解释道。 “我内心有这种感觉,你知道,我不想成为这个愤怒的人。我不想对此感到痛苦。“







尼克本周末出现在Clear Channel纽约风格舞台上,在他的婚姻破裂时录制了这张新专辑.

“在你决定离婚的那天,你记录了[单身]’我剩下的是什么’,”南希说。 “那一定是艰难的一天。”

“当我回顾它时,我想我在工作室里做的事情是世界上的。但它确实在某个地方没有什么可说的,“尼克说。 “那天我不知道还有什么可以做我自己或者我的脑袋。这已经预订了。“



“嗯,对于一个人来说,这是一个很好的押韵,’我还剩下什么’,”尼克笑道。 “我想对我来说,这是我32岁的一点点,这不是我想要在我生命中的这一点。”

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the content of the text, it appears to be written in Chinese. The article discusses Nick Lachey breaking his silence after five months and talking about his new album and life without Jessica Simpson. He explains that his new album, “Whats Left of Me,” is a candid and honest reflection of his feelings, including a song titled “I Cant Hate You Anymore.” When asked about his relationship with Jessica, he admits that he doesnt hate her but is more disgusted with the situation. He also reveals that he still has feelings for her and hopes that they can both be happy in the future. Overall, the article provides insight into Nick Lacheys personal life and the inspiration behind his new album.

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