Milo Ventimiglia透露“这是我们”是否让他想要孩子

Milo Ventimiglia透露“这是我们”是否让他想要孩子

Milo Ventimiglia可能在NBC的“This Is Us”中扮演超级爸爸Jack Pearson,但这种体验并没有让他渴望拥有孩子.

41岁的Ventimiglia在与电视妻子,34岁的Mandy Moore的联合采访中向Parade杂志开放,并透露在家庭电视剧中扮演三个孩子的父亲已经开始了解父亲的挑战.


图片: This Is Us - Season 1
Milo Ventimiglia和Mandy Moore开始合作“This Is Us”。Ron Batzdorff / NBC

在节目中扮演家庭女族长丽贝卡皮尔森的摩尔认为,育儿的紧张情绪随之而来。 “我认为育儿是一种疯狂的旅程,你永远无法做好充分的准备,”这位明星表示,他一直坦率地想要创办自己的现实生活中的家庭.

本周,美国全国广播公司(NBC)发布了一部40秒的预告片,为该节目即将到来的第三季带来了激动人心的情绪 – 观众们对这部剧的催人泪下的故事情节感到不满也不足为奇.


“关于这种人类斗争的共同主题,有一些真正统一的东西 – 欢乐和痛苦以及介于两者之间的一切,”这位女演员说。.

观看Milo Ventimiglia揭示的“This Is Us”场景让他哭泣





“我和父亲一起谈起这件事,”文蒂米利亚说。 “当我们找到让他成为他的男人的原因时,扮演杰克历史的那一面真是令人着迷。”

9月25日星期二晚上9点(美国东部时间),美国全国广播公司(NBC)播出了“This Is Us”的第三季首播节目.

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or preference on the topic. However, the article discusses how Milo Ventimiglias role as a super dad in “This Is Us” did not make him want to have children in real life. He opened up about the challenges of being a father while playing a father of three on the show. His co-star, Mandy Moore, also shared her thoughts on the craziness of parenting. The upcoming third season will focus on the love story of Jack and Rebecca Pearson and their three children, including a new character, Jacks brother Nicky. Ventimiglia is excited about exploring Jacks time as a young soldier in Vietnam, which is also personal for him as his father served in the war. The article also mentions the emotional impact of the shows storylines on viewers.

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