Miley Cyrus祝愿’仙女教母’Dolly Parton生日快乐

Miley Cyrus祝愿’仙女教母’Dolly Parton生日快乐


“这个星球上最美丽的仙女教母生日快乐!” 25岁的赛勒斯在一篇Instagram帖子中写道,旁边是一对彩色照片.


“(它)总是提醒我和我的家人重要的是什么,”赛勒斯补充道。 “永远不要让成功改变你的心。”

钦佩当然是相互的。在2012年对乡村音乐出版物The Boot的采访中,Parton称Cyrus为“一个小猫王”,并且是一位“出色的歌手和词曲作者”。

多年来,Parton和Cyrus分享了一些精彩的时刻。 Parton嘉宾主演的是“Hannah Montana”,这是十多年前推出Cyrus职业生涯的迪斯尼乐队,该乐队在2016年的“声音”中演唱了Parton的经典作品“Jolene”。.


“这个世界上很少有人像多莉一样感动我的心,”女演员和制片人瑞茜威瑟斯彭在推特上写道。 “她一生都是我的灵感。一种美丽的精神。”

Witherspoon甚至承诺将她的服装系列Draper James的当天销售捐赠给Parton的慈善机构,这是一项国际儿童书籍送礼计划.

“美丽,才华横溢,自信,惊人,慷慨……生日女孩!”乡村歌手Carrie Underwood在Twitter上写道。 “爱你@DollyParton !!!你激励每一个幸福的人都在你身边!我希望你有一个美好的生日!希望很快见到你!”




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    On Friday, Dolly Parton celebrated her 72nd birthday, and her daughter Miley Cyrus was the first person to wish her happiness. “Happy birthday to the most beautiful fairy godmother on this planet!” 25-year-old Cyrus wrote in an Instagram post, alongside a pair of colorful photos. The singer and actress previously spoke about her admiration for Parton, telling the Metropolis that, aside from her wardrobe, the country star is most admired for “the way she treats people with love and respect.” “(It) always reminds me and my family whats important,” Cyrus added. “Never let success change your heart.” Admiration is certainly mutual. In a 2012 interview with country music publication The Boot, Parton called Cyrus a “little Elvis” and a “great singer and songwriter.” Over the years, Parton and Cyrus have shared some wonderful moments. Parton guest-starred on “Hannah Montana,” the Disney band that launched Cyrus career over a decade ago, and the band performed Partons classic “Jolene” on “The Voice” in 2016. Other celebrities commemorated Partons birthday by sharing similar sentiments on social media. “There are few people in this world who touch my heart like Dolly does,” actress and producer Reese Witherspoon wrote on Twitter. “She has been my inspiration all my life. A beautiful spirit.” Witherspoon even pledged to donate 100% of the profits from her clothing line Draper James sales that day to Partons charity, an international childrens book gifting program. “Beautiful, talented, confident, amazing, generous…birthday girl! Love you @DollyParton !!! You inspire every happy person around you! I hope you have a wonderful birthday! Hope to see you soon!” country singer Carrie Underwood wrote on Twitter. Seeing the impact Parton has on those around her is inspiring, and even better to see the good that comes back to her. Happy birthday, Dolly!

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