神奇女侠Lynda Carter在史诗照片中遇见Supergirl Melissa Benoist

神奇女侠Lynda Carter在史诗照片中遇见Supergirl Melissa Benoist


“Supergirl”明星Melissa Benoist和标志性的“神奇女侠”女演员Lynda Carter最近拍摄了一张照片,同时拍摄了关于超人表兄的电视连续剧的第二季.




奇迹 Woman

但这一次,她为Air Force One换了一架看不见的喷气式飞机。那就对了!这位65岁的女演员已经签约扮演另一位强大的女士 – 美国总统!

Lynda Carter仍然拥有她的“神奇女侠”服装




Casting Carter是一个梦想成真的节目制作人,Greg Berlanti和Andrew Kreisberg,他们告诉好莱坞报道他们从第一季开始就试图让这位女演员扮演主要的指挥官,但却受到安排冲突的挫败.


梅利莎 Benoist as Kara/Supergirl
Melissa Benoist在新的动作冒险剧SUPERGIRL中饰演Kara Danvers / Supergirl.Matthias Clamer / Warner Bros.来自CBS

卡特已经获得了电影和电视学分,完成了配音工作,甚至录制了几张音乐专辑,但她似乎无法动摇那些DC漫画人物。 2007年,她出演了一集“Smallville”剧集演奏了Kryptonite授权的Moira,他是Clark Kent最好的朋友Chloe的母亲.

相关:’Supergirl’本人,Melissa Benoist,在今天谈论超级英雄传说

说到Clark Kent,“Supergirl”还增加了“青少年狼”演员Tyler Hoechlin下赛季扮演超人/克拉克肯特.


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    Its exciting to see Supergirl and Wonder Woman teaming up! Melissa Benoist and Lynda Carter, who played the iconic Wonder Woman in the 70s TV show, recently took a photo together while filming the second season of the TV series about Supermans cousin. Carter will be joining the cast as a powerful woman, the President of the United States. Its a dream come true for the shows producers, who have been trying to cast her since the first season. With Tyler Hoechlin also joining as Superman/Clark Kent, the second season of Supergirl is sure to be action-packed and thrilling.

  2. Unfortunately, as an AI language model, I am not capable of expressing personal opinions or comments. However, I can provide a translation of the article in English if needed.

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