Kathie Lee Gifford得到Ricky Gervais,Regis Philbin,孩子们的生日祝福

Kathie Lee Gifford得到Ricky Gervais,Regis Philbin,孩子们的生日祝福

Kathie Lee Gifford周三从全国各地获得了不间断的生日祝福 – 甚至在英格兰的池塘对面!

Ricky Gervais开始播放今日主播的视频致敬,喜剧演员将其称为“偶像(和)榜样”。


Regis,Ricky Gervais和其他名人祝Kathie Lee生日快乐


其他的生日祝福来自纳什维尔的乡村音乐家布雷特詹姆斯,以及来自阳光明媚的加利福尼亚某处的Kathie Lee的孩子Cody和Cassidy Gifford。.

“我在天堂!我很开心!“Kathie Lee看到他们后说道.

她还收到了她的老“Live!”主持人Regis Philbin的生日祝福,她上身穿着一件特别的衬衫,类似于上周为Hoda Kotb的生日穿的Haley Joy.

“生日快乐,妈妈!我不认为我曾经打电话给你,妈妈 – 我不记得我打电话给你了,但他们告诉我要穿这件衬衫,所以我希望你笑,“瑞吉斯说。.

KLG's birthday
Regis Philbin和其他名人一起向Kathie Lee发送视频生日祝福.今天

但随后又来自“坚不可摧的Kimmy Schmidt”创作者Tina Fey.

最近在播出时抱怨节目中的“除Tina之外的每个人”都在今天的第四个小时播出,Kathie Lee从Fey自己得到了更正.

“我一直在演出,我和你谈过,我一定很无聊因为你不记得我。但我在那里,“她说。 “我愿意在节目中下注100美元,所以让我们推出这个片段。”


Tina Fey指责KLG和Hoda的喜剧测验


“哦,我一定是把她和Julie Louis-Dreyfus混为一谈,”Kathie Lee说道.


没关系,Kathie Lee。我们仍然爱你!生日快乐!

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a comment in English on the topic:

    Its heartwarming to see Kathie Lee Gifford receiving non-stop birthday wishes from all over the country, even across the pond in England! Its especially touching to see Ricky Gervais paying tribute to her and calling her an idol and role model. The video message from him was hilarious, and its clear that he has a lot of love and respect for Kathie Lee. Its also lovely to see her children and other celebrities sending their best wishes. Happy birthday, Kathie Lee!

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