Kate Mara用性感的GQ拍摄戏弄“House of Cards”

Kate Mara用性感的GQ拍摄戏弄“House of Cards”

如果你对本周完美情人节的想法涉及在Netflix新一季的“纸牌屋”上发挥作用,那么你可以在KQ Mara的GQ杂志照片中热身.

图片: Kate Mara
Mark Abrahams /今天

这位扮演政治博主Zoe Barnes和国会议员弗兰克安德伍德(Kevin Spacey)的第一季情妇的女演员认为,该系列的第二季将同样出色 – 即使她还没有看到它.

“(显示创作者)Beau Willimon有很大的想象力,”Mara告诉GQ。 “而且他和我们的写作人员,我认为他们真的度过了这个赛季。因为上赛季发生的所有事情很难超过。去年,在第一季结束之前,我看过所有的剧集;今年我的避风港所以,我和其他人一样兴奋地看着它。但是,我认为它同样令人惊讶和上瘾。希望,我们会看到。



难怪弗兰克安德伍德向南走了 – 他是一个铁杆烧烤人.

About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the topic. However, the text is written in Chinese and talks about Maras thoughts on the second season of “House of Cards” and her dating preferences. She believes that the second season will be just as good as the first, even though she hasnt seen it yet. Mara also shares that she prefers a simple date with a hamburger, fries, and wine while discussing politics, rather than dating a football player.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the topic. However, the text is written in Chinese and talks about Maras thoughts on the second season of “House of Cards” and her dating preferences. She believes that the second season will be just as good as the first, even though she hasnt seen it yet. Mara also shares that she prefers a simple date with a hamburger, fries, and wine while discussing politics, rather than dating a football player. The article suggests that before indulging in Valentines Day fantasies with Mara, one should know what it takes to date her.

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