Julia Louis-Dreyfus的滚石封面纹身需要历史课

Julia Louis-Dreyfus的滚石封面纹身需要历史课

朱莉娅·路易斯 – 德雷福斯在新滚石乐队的封面上的假背纹身很引人注目,但周三当他们意识到墨迹并不代表一个特定的历史文件时,他们发出了眼神历史爱好者的骚动. 



事实上,纹身既不是鱼也不是鸡:这不是宪法,对她来说太久了,并没有被约翰汉考克签名 – 尽管如同Al Roker星期四在今天开玩笑说的那样,“如果有的话,他会有就是这样。“它也不是独立宣言,它也太长了,并没有开始“我们是人民”。宣言的序言?太短.

朱莉娅 Louis-Dreyfus on the April 24, 2014, issue of Rolling Stone.
Julia Louis-Dreyfus于2014年4月24日发行滚石.今天

但是,杂志封面上假纹身的历史准确性很快就达到了Rolling Stone的出版商。温纳媒体宣传总监梅丽莎布鲁诺打趣参加纽约每日新闻,“独立宣言就在另一边,但我们不能适应所有的签名。”

“谁先发现了它?” Savannah Guthrie想知道今天。 “谁在仔细观察照片的这一部分?”


但该杂志内部的一张照片似乎将所谓的傻瓜解释为一个笑话。一名穿着粉末假发和古装的男子看到他的名字纹身 – 约翰汉考克 – 在女演员的腰背上.


甚至路易斯 – 德雷福斯(Louis-Dreyfus)也在推特上通过封面和采访宣传HBO系列的回归,并在推特上评论了所发生的不幸事故。. 

“汉考克签署了独立十二月而非宪法”,她在周三发推文,然后提到迈克麦克林托克,“韦普的”由马特沃尔什扮演的不幸的通讯主管,并补充说,“又一个迈克(咒骂) – 傻瓜。”


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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the topic, it seems to be related to the controversy surrounding the fake tattoo on the cover of Rolling Stone magazine featuring Julia Louis-Dreyfus. Many people were intrigued by the tattoo, which was later found out to be historically inaccurate. Some suggested that the magazine should have used a tattoo of John Hancocks signature on the Constitution instead. Despite the mistake, some people found humor in the situation, and Louis-Dreyfus even commented on it on Twitter. Overall, it was an interesting and amusing incident that sparked discussions among history enthusiasts and fans of the actress.

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