Joe Biden和Julia Louis-Dreyfus在madcap’Veep’视频中流氓

Joe Biden和Julia Louis-Dreyfus在madcap’Veep’视频中流氓

朱莉娅路易斯 – 德雷福斯和乔拜登正把“副”放在“副总统”中。周六公布的爆笑视频显示,HBO的“VEEP”明星和现实生活VEEP从“白宫打鼾受访晚餐”中扮演逃学,因为他们通过华盛顿黄色克尔维特撕裂,造成故障.

在7分钟的现场,这是在周六晚上实际的白宫记者晚宴上展示的,但是 实际上是电视节目的宣传片,两人从超大号浴缸偷偷溜进白宫厨房和围巾冰淇淋。 (它们是由第一夫人米歇尔·奥巴马,谁讲课他们对健康饮食吃着法院自己之前赶上)的两个去渗透到华盛顿邮报的办公室和重写论文的标题(“拜登RIDIN” HIGH:支持率200%“),然后撞到在纹身店众议院少数党领袖南希·佩洛西得到签署。 (拜登和路易 – 德雷福斯弹簧匹配“45”的纹身,在为2016年总统一战暗示)众议院博纳议长使得短暂露面说他跳过记者晚宴,太 – 他宁愿观看熊猫视频.

在Netflix的“纸牌屋”中也有一个尖锐的参考,以及该节目打破第四面墙的倾向。在一个点上,路易 – 德雷福斯滴她的声音为南方口音让人想起凯文·史派西的弗兰克·安德伍德的性格,说:“是的,我们都可以直接看镜头,凯文。关键是你不应该。” 



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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    Julia Louis-Dreyfus and Joe Biden are putting the “vice” in “vice president.” A hilarious video released on Saturday shows the “VEEP” star and real-life VEEP playing hooky from the “White House Correspondents Dinner” by tearing through Washington in a yellow Corvette, causing mayhem. In the 7-minute clip, which was actually shown at the real White House Correspondents Dinner on Saturday night but is not actually a promo for the TV show, the two sneak into the White House kitchen and scarf down scarves of ice cream from a giant tub. (Theyre scolded by First Lady Michelle Obama, who lectures them on eating healthily before they catch up to themselves.) They then infiltrate the Washington Posts offices and rewrite headlines on papers (“Biden RIDIN HIGH: Approval Rating 200%”), before bumping into House Minority Leader Nancy Pelosi at a tattoo parlor to get inked. (Biden and Louis-Dreyfus spring for matching “45” tattoos, hinting at the 2016 presidential race.) House Speaker John Boehner makes a brief appearance, saying he skipped the Correspondents Dinner because hed rather watch panda videos. Theres also a sharp reference to “House of Cards” on Netflix, as the show breaks the fourth wall. At one point, Louis-Dreyfus drops her voice into a Southern accent reminiscent of Kevin Spaceys Frank Underwood character, saying, “Yes, we can all talk directly to the camera, Kevin. The key is not to.” But, as she and Biden gleefully prove, rules are meant to be broken. “Veep” airs on HBO on Sunday nights at 10:30. Follow Randee Dawn+ on Google.

    Note: The original text is in Chinese.

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