



两周前发布的威廉姆斯最近的一张照片是他的女儿塞尔达·雷·威廉姆斯(Zelda Rae Williams)在她的生日那天拍摄的。 “今天有一个世纪的历史,但我的女婴总是这样,”他写道.


这位演员最近也庆祝了自己的生日。 7月21日,他用一只猴子拍了一张自己的镜头来纪念这个场合,写道:“祝我生日快乐!来自我最喜欢的一位女士Crystal的访问。”




从他的Instagram饲料中,威廉姆斯似乎是#tbt的忠实粉丝。在推广他的最新电视节目“The Crazy Ones”的同时,他最近还与前“Mork and Mindy”联合主演Pam ​​Dawber分享了自己的形象,Pam Dawber正在客串演出。 “你还需要什么?”他问.


这位喜剧演员,像Jimmy Kimmel这样的粉丝,因为“像他一样有趣,一个男人很可爱”,并不害怕炫耀自己柔软的一面。一个反复出现的Instagram主题是他的狗,他早早出现在帐户上。 “我与伦纳德共进晚餐,”威廉姆斯用这张照片写道。 “我在现场时想念他。”



他还分享了他现在(和过去)项目的幕后图片和视频。在去年Jay Leno拍摄的这张照片中,他透露:“周杰伦给了我第一个付费的站立工作。”


威廉姆斯幸存下来,他的妻子和三个孩子也经常分享他的家人。 “与我美丽的妻子苏珊一起去艾美奖,”他在2013年9月用这张照片写道:


“你现在成了一个成年人,我为你感到骄傲,”他写信给儿子过生日。 “你的一点点将永远是我的’先生Pym’。生日快乐。”





“Na-nu Na-nu”和“O Captain,我的队长”:罗宾威廉姆斯最能被他扮演的角色和他传递的线条所铭记.

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  1. It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Robin Williams on Monday at the age of 63, leaving behind an unforgettable film and television legacy. To help fans cope with their grief, this beloved actor, comedian, and father left behind a lovely glimpse into his life and legacy through a touching photo on Instagram. Two weeks ago, Williams most recent photo was taken on his daughter Zelda Rae Williams birthday. “A century of history today, but my baby girl is always like this,” he wrote. Williams also recently celebrated his own birthday, using a monkey to take a selfie to commemorate the occasion. Williams was always a faithful fashion fan, showing his support for the US team by displaying his split-screen photo (from his role in the movie “Night at the Museum”) and the football mascot “Teddy Goalsevelt” in the summer. From his Instagram feed, Williams seems to be a loyal fan of #tbt. He also shared behind-the-scenes photos and videos of his current (and past) projects. Williams survived, and his wife and three children often shared his family. “Off to the Emmys with my beautiful wife, Susan,” he wrote in September 2013 with this photo. “Youre a grown man now and Im so proud of you,” he wrote to his son on his birthday. “A little bit of you will always be my Mr Pym. Happy Birthday, @zakpym!”

  2. It is with great sadness that we learned of the passing of Robin Williams on Monday at the age of 63, leaving behind an unforgettable film and television legacy. To help fans cope with their grief, this beloved actor, comedian, and father left behind a lovely glimpse into his life and legacy through a touching photo on Instagram. Two weeks ago, Williams most recent photo was taken on his daughter Zelda Rae Williams birthday. “A century of history today, but my baby girl is always like this,” he wrote. Williams also recently celebrated his own birthday, using a monkey to take a selfie to commemorate the occasion. Williams was always a faithful fashion fan, showing his support for the US team by displaying his split-screen photo (from his role in the movie “Night at the Museum”) and the football mascot “Teddy Goalsevelt” in the summer. From his Instagram feed, Williams seems to be a loyal fan of #tbt. He also shared behind-the-scenes photos and videos of his current (and past) projects. Williams survived, and his wife and three children often shared his family. “Off to the Emmys with my beautiful wife, Susan,” he wrote in September 2013 with this photo. “Youre a grown man now and Im so proud of you,” he wrote to his son on his birthday. “A little bit of you will always be my Mr Pym. Happy Birthday, @zakpym!”

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