对他疯狂:Heart的Ann Wilson与30年前“试图引诱”的男人结婚

对他疯狂:Heart的Ann Wilson与30年前“试图引诱”的男人结婚

几十年前,Heart的Ann Wilson尝试并未能引诱Dean Wetter。但在星期六,她终于降落了她的男人,因为两人结了婚.

“迪恩和我在80年代第一次见面并且约会时我们都被砸了,我试图引诱他,”威尔逊告诉人物杂志。 “就像那位绅士一样,他拒绝了。多年过去了,我们长大后又恢复了联系 POW! – 有效!它曾经!“


64岁的威尔逊与Heart的经理Michael Fisher长期联系;据报道,乐队1976年的歌曲“魔术师”中包含了关于他们分裂的歌词。威尔逊于1991年收养了一个女儿玛丽,1998年收养了一个儿子达斯汀.

据人们报道,韦尔特也是64岁,威尔逊在朋友和家人面前的花拱下结婚。她的礼服是安东尼·萨蒂诺(Anthony Sartino),她的鞋子是朱塞佩·扎诺蒂(Giuseppe Zanotti),手上是一颗铂金戒指的2克拉白色钻石和镶有白金镶嵌耳环的玫瑰形切割白钻。.



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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the content of the text, it appears to be written in Chinese. The article discusses the marriage of Ann Wilson, a member of the band Heart, to Dean Wetter after several decades of knowing each other. The article also mentions their previous failed attempt at a relationship and their adoption of two children. The couple got married in an intimate ceremony with family and friends present. The article ends with a congratulatory message to the couple from the band Heart.

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