‘Goonies’的明星Sean Astin正在加入’Stranger Things’的演员阵容

‘Goonies’的明星Sean Astin正在加入’Stranger Things’的演员阵容


1985年儿童冒险电影“The Goonies”中扮演Mikey Walsh的前儿童明星肖恩·阿斯汀(Sean Astin)加入了Netflix狂热节目的第2季演员,娱乐周报报道.

当“陌生人事物”于去年7月首次亮相时,评论家(以及粉丝们)立即注意到1983年制作的科幻惊悚片系列与“The Goonies”之间的风格相似性。

肖恩 Astin
肖恩·阿斯汀(Sean Astin)出现在2014年FX的“应变”(The Strain)的首映式上.盖蒂图片

“The Goonies”讲述了一群俄勒冈州青少年的故事,他们偶然发现了一张古老的西班牙藏宝图,引导他们进行冒险,在这场冒险中,他们与一个罪犯家庭作战.

THE GOONIES, Sean Astin, 1985
Sean Astin出演“The Goonies”(1985).埃弗雷特收藏

“陌生人的事情”讲述了一群印第安纳青少年的故事,他们与超自然力量进行战斗,渗透到他们的邻居并与他们的朋友Will Byers(Noah Schnapp)共舞.

相关:看到古怪的’Stranger Things’图片宣布第一季的Eleven回归



陌生人 Things

阿斯汀将与其他一些新的演员一起加入,其中包括59岁的前“Mad About You”明星Paul Reiser,他签下了欧文斯博士,欧洲能源部的员工,负责“遏制”以前的超自然事件。年.

丹麦女演员Linnea Berthelsen扮演一个名叫Roman的新角色,一个情绪受损的年轻女子,在小时候遭受悲剧,与能源部令人毛骨悚然的实验室的超自然事件“神秘地联系在一起”.


Sean Astin谈论’Woodlawn’,潜在的’Goonies’续集


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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the content of the article, it appears to be in Chinese. The article discusses the addition of former child star Sean Astin to the cast of the second season of the popular Netflix show “Stranger Things,” which has been noted for its similarities to 1980s films such as “The Goonies.” Astin will play a RadioShack manager named Bob Newby, who went to high school with Wills mother Joyce Byers, played by another 80s child star, Winona Ryder. The article also mentions other new cast members, including Paul Reiser and Linnea Berthelsen, and notes that the second season will premiere in 2017.

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