前“单身汉”选手Gia Allemand在29岁时自杀

前“单身汉”选手Gia Allemand在29岁时自杀

她的家人在一份声明中说,前“单身汉”选手Gia Allemand周三去世,显然是自杀。她29岁.

该模特的男友Ryan Anderson为NBA的新奥尔良鹈鹕队效力,他在周一晚上在新奥尔良的家中找到了Allemand并打电话给911.她被送往大学医院,情况危急并获得生命支持. 

“由于大脑和器官功能严重丧失,生命支持被撤销(周三),”该家庭的声明中写道。 “阿勒曼女士和她的母亲,男朋友和其他终身朋友和平地过世了.

声明继续说:“爱人和粉丝都会记得Gia Allemand是一位爱护她的家庭的有爱心的女人,她以对动物的怜悯和救助无家可归的宠物的使命而闻名。”. 



Allemand参加了ABC的约会节目的第14季,其特色是飞行员Jake Pavelka。当他听到她的死讯时,他带着Twitter去表达他的悲伤.

帕维尔卡将他本赛季的决赛升至维也纳吉拉迪。 Allemand完成了他的第三选择。 Pavelka后来在“与Ryan Seacrest一起播出”中露面,如果他能重做本赛季,他会选择Allemand.

“整个’Bachelor’家庭对我们的朋友Gia的悲惨逝世感到非常难过,”该节目的创作者兼执行制片人Mike Fleiss在给TODAY.com的一份声明中表示。 “对于任何认识她的人来说,这是一次毁灭性的损失。”

Tenley Molzahn因为Pavelka对“单身汉”的感情而与Allemand竞争,称她的前竞赛是“一个漂亮的女孩”。 “今天我和其他许多人一样沉重,”她告诉E!新闻。 “她给我们留下了一个如何以信仰,喜悦和美丽生活的美好榜样。让我们庆祝Gia,看看她的生活方式作为灵感。”




演员James Gandolfini,Annette Funicello和Cory Monteith只是我们在2013年失去的三个着名人物.

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    In a statement released by her family, it was said that former “The Bachelor” contestant Gia Allemand died on Wednesday, apparently by suicide. She was 29 years old. The models boyfriend, Ryan Anderson, plays for the NBAs New Orleans Pelicans. He found Allemand at their home in New Orleans on Monday night and called 911. She was taken to the hospital in critical condition and received life support. “Due to a critical loss of brain and organ function, life support was withdrawn (on Wednesday),” the familys statement said. “Ms. Allemand passed away peacefully with her mother, boyfriend, and other lifelong friends by her side.” The statement continued, “Loved ones and fans will remember Gia Allemand as a caring woman who loved her family and was famous for her mission to show compassion for animals and rescue homeless pets.” Allemand appeared on the 14th season of ABCs dating show, which featured pilot Jake Pavelka. When he heard the news of her death, he expressed his sadness on Twitter.

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