现实生活中的“Ghost Whisperer”激发了CBS的灵感

现实生活中的“Ghost Whisperer”激发了CBS的灵感

玛丽·安·温科夫斯基(Mary Ann Winkowski)作为雇佣幽灵的超自然经历激发了哥伦比亚广播公司(CBS)将秋季阵容中的“鬼语者”(Ghost Whisperer)置于其中,詹妮弗·洛芙·休伊特(Jennifer Love Hewitt)担任主角.


“我从未想过20年前这将是一份全职工作,”温科夫斯基说。 “我不做广告或鼓励生意。人们打电话给我。我不打电话给他们。“






好莱坞通过她的朋友,最畅销的媒体詹姆斯·范普拉(James Van Praagh)了解这位57岁的作品,这是CBS迷你剧“与死者同住”的主题。









在“NBC”中期热播的“媒体”成功之后,“Ghost Whisperer”(定于美国东部时间星期五晚上8点降临)是最新的超自然电视剧,其中Patricia Arquette饰演精灵Allison DuBois(另一位现实生活中的女性).



宾夕法尼亚州华盛顿华盛顿和杰斐逊学院教育系主任吉姆·隆戈(Jim Longo)并没有就鬼是否存在问题采取立场,但他收集了那些认为自己经历过超自然现象的人的故事。.


顺便说一下,亲爱的 … Winkowski最近在洛杉矶度过了一个星期,展示了她为该剧的作家和休伊特演出的手艺,休伊特扮演新人,试图应对她不同寻常的才华





“起初,我认为她可以像Samantha一样摆弄她的鼻子’Bewitched’,”他说。 “如果是这样的话,我不会卖汽车。”



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    Mary Ann Winkowskis supernatural experiences as a hired ghost whisperer inspired CBS to include “Ghost Whisperer” in its fall lineup, with Jennifer Love Hewitt as the lead. Winkowski is a paid consultant for the series, booking four months in advance to chase unwanted ghosts from peoples homes. “I never thought 20 years ago that this would be a full-time job,” Winkowski said. “I dont advertise or encourage business. People call me. I dont call them.” Winkowski is matter-of-fact about what she sees, discussing it as clearly as she did her pet grooming business, which helps pay the bills before the ghosts. She says she can only talk to souls that havent moved on. Most people wander for a short time. Winkowski is often hired to attend funerals and wrap up loose ends (“Where did Dad leave the will?”) or help relatives talk to loved ones one last time. “Ladies always walk by to check the flowers,” she said of female spirits. As for male ghosts, “they have to count how many cars are in the funeral procession.” Its the cross-over spirits that keep Winkowski busy. She charges $100 or more to guide them into the white light. Hollywood learned about the 57-year-olds work through her friend, best-selling medium James Van Praagh, which was the theme of CBSs miniseries “Living with the Dead.” “I looked at her initially because she was the least likely ghost person,” said “Ghost Whisperer” executive producer John Gray. “Shes from the Midwest. Shes friendly. Theres no mystique.” Winkowski and Gray met for drinks and coffee a year ago. Gray recalls asking where they could find ghosts. “She said, Theres someone here now.” “I said, At Starbucks?” Gray incorporated the experience into the series pilot. Later, he began hearing strange noises and doorbells ringing in his New York home in the middle of the night. He summoned Winkowski and said she sent the ghosts away, but not before describing in full detail the person outside his neighbors house. He hasnt had any problems since. “Impressive. No matter how cynical you are, you have to think, How did

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