Evil Knievel通过视频起诉Kanye West

Evil Knievel通过视频起诉Kanye West

Evel Knievel起诉了Kanye West,对一部音乐录影带提出异议,其中说唱歌手采用“Evel Kanyevel”的角色,试图将一辆火箭动力摩托车跳过峡谷.

Knievel的真名是Robert Craig Knievel,于周一在坦帕的联邦法院提起诉讼,声称侵犯了他的商标名称和相似之处。他还声称视频中描绘的“低俗和冒犯”图像损害了他的声誉.

“那个Kanye West推出的视频是我生命中见过的最无价值的废话,他利用我的形象在公众面前弹射,”这位68岁的冒失鬼星期二说道。.



该视频以Pamela Anderson为西方的女友,其中包含“庸俗和令人反感的性图像,语言和行为涉及’Evel Kanyevel’以及女性显然试图获得性兴趣,”诉讼案称.

埃维尔 Knievel
**文件** Evel Knievel,于2006年5月11日在佛罗里达州克利尔沃特看到。这位标志性的冒失鬼起诉说唱歌手Kanye West,拍摄了一部带有性视频的视频,其中West扮演了“Evel Kanyevel”的角色并跳了一辆摩托车在峡谷上空。 Knievel,其真名为Robert Craig Knievel,于2006年12月11日星期一在坦帕联邦法院提起诉讼,声称侵犯了他的商标名称和相似性。 (美联社照片/ Chris O’Meara)美联社

“这个家伙只是走得太远,用我向世界宣传他的污秽,”Knievel说,他住在克利尔沃特,近年来一直健康状况不佳。 “我不是那种人。”

该诉讼还指出了Roc-A-Fella唱片公司,视频总监克里斯·米尔克(Chris Milk)和美国在线(AOL)的发行.




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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the topic. However, the article discusses Evel Knievels lawsuit against Kanye West for using his image and name in a music video where West portrays “Evel Kanyevel” attempting to jump a canyon on a rocket-powered motorcycle. Knievel claims that the videos “vulgar and offensive” imagery damages his reputation and infringes on his trademark. The lawsuit seeks compensation and the cessation of the videos distribution. The article also mentions Wests disappointment at not winning the Best Video award at the MTV Europe Music Awards and his controversial comments during the ceremony.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the topic. However, the article discusses Evel Knievels lawsuit against Kanye West for using his image and name in a music video where West portrays “Evel Kanyevel” attempting to jump a canyon on a rocket-powered motorcycle. Knievel claims that the videos “vulgar and offensive” imagery damages his reputation and infringes on his trademark. The lawsuit seeks compensation and the cessation of the videos distribution. The article also mentions Wests disappointment at not winning the Best Video award at the MTV Europe Music Awards and his controversial comments during the ceremony.

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