Ellen DeGeneres支持Portia de Rossi对Steven Seagal的骚扰指控

Ellen DeGeneres支持Portia de Rossi对Steven Seagal的骚扰指控



艾伦 DeGeneres says she's proud of wife Portia de Rossi for raising harassment claims against Steven Seagal
Portia de Rossi说Steven Seagal在试镜期间向她展示了自己. 盖蒂图片

她在Twitter上写道:“他告诉我,当他让我坐下来拉开他的皮裤时,让化学屏幕脱落是多么重要。” “我跑出去打电话给我的经纪人。她不高兴地回答说,“好吧,我不知道他是不是你的类型。”

DeGeneres用她自己的支持性推文回应了de Rossi的帖子.


德罗西的主张是在Julianna Marguiles声称她也被Seagal性骚扰之后发出的。.




Marguiles在接受Jenny Hutt对SiriusXM项目采访时表示,“我有点尖叫”.

女演员Rae Dawn Chong和Inside Edition记者Lisa Guerrero也提出了类似的指控。其他演员,包括詹妮麦卡锡在内的前几年一直被指控骚扰Seagal,她说她被要求在“Under Siege 2”的演员阵容中脱光。


About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the matter. However, it is important to address and condemn any form of sexual harassment and assault in the entertainment industry or any other field. It takes courage for victims to come forward and speak out against their abusers, and it is crucial for society to support and believe them. It is also commendable for Ellen DeGeneres to publicly support her wife and stand against such behavior. We must continue to raise awareness and hold perpetrators accountable for their actions.

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