另一个Duggar! Anna Duggar宣布怀孕,讨论流产问题

另一个Duggar! Anna Duggar宣布怀孕,讨论流产问题


今天早上,Duggar家族出现了一个愉快的消息:Josh和Anna Duggar正在期待他们的第二个孩子,他是着名的肥沃的Michelle和Jim Bob Duggar的第二个孙子,他们是TLC真人秀节目中的明星“19 Kids and Counting。”Josh ,22岁,是他们最大的孩子。他和安娜,也是22岁,有一个女儿,麦肯齐,于10月8日满1岁;他们的新抵达将于6月19日到期.

安娜告诉TODAY的Meredith Vieira,她早前有流产,她决定公开她的故事,因为她知道这是如此常见:根据梅奥诊所,15%到20%的已知怀孕以流产告终,但实际数字可能要高得多,因为很多女性在知道自己怀孕之前就流产了.

安娜·杜格告诉维埃拉说:“我们很难发现我们期待一个小小的人然后失去它。” “真正有帮助的一件事就是感谢上帝,感谢他在美好的时光,并感谢他,当事情没有按照我们期望的方式行事时…如果你真的感谢上帝,那真的会释放你并帮助你去生活。“

Michelle Duggar在第一个孩子吃药后也有流产 – 这段经历是导致这对夫妇避开避孕药的一部分,并且“请求上帝用尽可能多的孩子来祝福他们。”


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    Miscarriage is very difficult… Imagine having a miscarriage when your mother-in-law has 19 children (and is counting). This morning, the Duggar family announced happy news: Josh and Anna Duggar are expecting their second child, who will be the famous fertile Michelle and Jim Bob Duggars second grandchild, stars of the TLC reality show “19 Kids and Counting.” Josh, 22, is their oldest child. He and Anna, also 22, have a daughter, Mackenzie, who turned 1 on October 8; their new arrival is due on June 19. Anna told TODAYs Meredith Vieira that she had a miscarriage earlier and decided to share her story because she knows it is so common: according to the Mayo Clinic, 15% to 20% of known pregnancies end in miscarriage, but the actual numbers may be much higher because many women miscarry before they even know they are pregnant. “Its hard to discover that youre expecting a little one and then lose it,” Anna Duggar told Vieira. “One really helpful thing is to thank God, thank Him for the good times, and thank Him when things dont go the way we expected… If you really thank God, it really releases you and helps you to live.” Michelle Duggar also had a miscarriage after the first child was born on medication – this experience was part of what led the couple to avoid birth control pills and “ask God to bless them with as many children as possible.” What do you think of the Duggars announcement? If you have had a miscarriage, what helped you get through it?

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