‘Diff’rent Strokes’演员:我试图帮助Haim

‘Diff’rent Strokes’演员:我试图帮助Haim

现在两次,托德布里奇斯已经与其他前儿童明星 – 成瘾者联系,试图让他们停止摧毁自己的生命。两次他的努力都是徒劳的.

“Diff’rent Strokes”的前明星周一在纽约告诉TODAY的Meredith Vieira,大约一年前,他与Corey Haim讨论了他的吸毒问题.

“我曾试图让科里停止服用处方药并照顾他的生命,”布里奇斯说。 “我试图让他明白,有一种不同的出路。”


“他还没准备好停下来,”布里奇斯对哈伊说。 “关于吸毒成瘾的事情是,有时人们已经准备好停止,有时他们不会。你必须记住,你已经准备好停下来了。“


柏拉图比Bridges年长两岁,当1978年首次出现“Diff’rent Strokes”时,他已经差不多13岁了。一个早熟的女孩,柏拉图为异性恋以及大麻和酒精介绍了Bridges.



骚扰让布里奇斯对自己的性行为产生了怀疑 – 怀疑柏拉图在她发起性事件时就已经消除了这种情况,这种性事件始于布里奇斯大约14岁时,并继续在1986年结束的节目中播出。.

“她来到我生命中非常关键的一点,无论我是否是同性恋者,我都在与之斗争,”布里奇斯告诉维埃拉。 “我不知道我是什么。当我和她一起经历时,我意识到我喜欢女人。我感觉不是很脏。“

电话没有受理布里奇斯还谈到了与柏拉图一起吸毒的问题,主要是在周末:“我从来都不高,”他告诉维埃拉。但是,他写道,他可能在下班后的第一夫人南希里根,即20世纪80年代的“Just Say No”禁毒运动的创始人出现在当天.









到那时,布里奇斯因谋杀另一名毒贩而被判入狱九个月。在Johnnie Cochran的辩护下,他在审判中被判无罪,但他还有其他几个与法律有关的闯入事件。他是毒贩和瘾君子.


布里奇斯写道:“我认为这个行业存在种族差异,使黑人更难获得第二次机会。”他说他发现,尽管他17年的清醒,但媒体却把他的瘾视为刚刚结束。 “我不是说它是种族主义者,我不是说这是错的,但它发生在我身上,”他补充说,对维埃拉说.



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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language or cultural background. However, I can provide a translation of the text into English:

    Todd Bridges has tried twice to reach out to other former child stars who struggle with addiction, in an attempt to help them stop destroying their lives. Both times his efforts were in vain. The former star of “Diffrent Strokes” told TODAYs Meredith Vieira in New York on Monday that about a year ago, he discussed Corey Haims drug problem with him. “I tried to get Corey to stop taking prescription drugs and take care of his life,” Bridges said. “I tried to make him understand that there was a different way out.” Haim died last Wednesday at the age of 38. His death was related to his drug use and resulted in heart failure. “He wasnt ready to stop,” Bridges told Haim. “The thing about addiction is that sometimes people are ready to stop, and sometimes theyre not. You have to remember that youre ready to stop.” Bridges last publicized brush with sex and drugs was in 1999, when he called his former co-star on “Diffrent Strokes,” Dana Plato, who played Phillip Drummonds natural daughter, a wealthy New Yorker who adopted Willis (Bridges) and Arnold Jackson (played by Gary Coleman), two poor black kids from Harlem. Plato was two years older than Bridges when she first appeared on “Diffrent Strokes” in 1978. A precocious girl, Plato introduced Bridges to heterosexuality as well as marijuana and alcohol. This story is retold in Bridges book, “Killing Willis: From Diffrent Strokes to the Mean Streets to the Life I Always Wanted,” which details his own tragic descent into addiction to cocaine, crack, and methamphetamine. Bridges said drug use was a response to a sense of worthlessness. His father was an unpopular alcoholic who abused him and his mother mentally and physically. But according to Bridges, his fathers worst crime was refusing to believe his son when he was sexually harassed by a publicist playing him. Harassment made Bridges question his own sexuality – he suspected Plato had already eliminated the situation when she initiated a sexual event with him, which began when Bridges was about 14 and continued in the program that ended in 1986. “She came into my life at a critical point, and I was struggling with whether or not I

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