黛米洛瓦托(Demi Lovato)超越歌剧女主角詹姆斯·科登(James Corden)的史诗般的“深夜秀”(Late Late Show)即将结束

黛米洛瓦托(Demi Lovato)超越歌剧女主角詹姆斯·科登(James Corden)的史诗般的“深夜秀”(Late Late Show)即将结束



但是如果你坚持得到一个答案,就像“The Late Late Show”中的詹姆斯·科登和歌手黛米·洛瓦托所做的那样 – 好吧,那将是一场声音争吵 – 或者在这种情况下,一场史诗般的嘲笑.

詹姆士 Corden Divas Riff-Off w/ Demi Lovato

你看,科登开始了。他在周三的节目中提到,他喜欢一个名为“Divas”的美国电台,只播放Tina Turner等经典音乐家的热门歌曲.

“我当时想,’他们不再那么做了,他们呢?’”他在节目中问道。 “当时的Divas比今天的女主角更好。你知道我的意思吗?他们没有Instagram,他们只有sass,声音,灵魂。”






然后,他们演唱了一些最棒的歌剧女主角(由无伴奏合唱团级别支持),从阿黛尔的“在深海中滚动”到Ike和Tina Tuner的“River Deep – Mountain High”,Franklin的“Respect”和Katy Perry’s “咆哮”(当然还有Lovato自己的命中之一,“心脏病发作”).

詹姆士 Corden Divas Riff-Off w/ Demi Lovato
在这场战斗中没有输家.特伦斯帕特里克/ CBS



不幸的是,她似乎也压垮了他的天后精神,他泪流满面。 “也许有一个世界,当时女主角和女主角现在都很棒,”她说.


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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the topic. However, the article discusses whether classic female protagonists are superior to modern ones. The Late Late Shows James Corden and singer Demi Lovato debated this topic, with Corden arguing that classic divas like Tina Turner and Whitney Houston were better than modern female protagonists. Lovato disagreed and showcased her singing skills, ultimately winning the debate. The article concludes that both classic and modern female protagonists are great in their own ways.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the topic. However, the article discusses whether classic female protagonists are superior to modern ones. The debate between James Corden and Demi Lovato on “The Late Late Show” highlights the different perspectives on the matter. Corden argues that classic divas like Tina Turner and Whitney Houston had more sass, soul, and voice than modern female protagonists. Lovato disagrees and believes that both classic and modern female protagonists are great in their own ways. Ultimately, the article suggests that there are no winners or losers in this debate, and both classic and modern female protagonists have their unique strengths.

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