DeMario Jackson在“天堂学士”首映后表现得淋漓尽致

DeMario Jackson在“天堂学士”首映后表现得淋漓尽致

星期一晚上,“天堂学士”粉丝终于有机会看到参与者DeMario Jackson和Corinne Olympios之间的互动,这些活动发生在“不当行为指控”之前,该系列的制作在今年夏天早些时候停止了.


'Bachelor in Paradise's' DeMario Jackson and Corinne Olympios.
“天堂学士”,DeMario Jackson和Corinne Olympios.ABC

虽然华纳兄弟的内部调查已经得出结论“录像带不支持任何演员的不当行为,”这是第一次围绕事件的镜头 – 虽然不包括它 – 已被公开.

“我觉得他们已经滚动了足够多的磁带,”杰克逊告诉娱乐今晚第四季首映。 “你不能表现得太多,因为这会不尊重Corinne和我,而我觉得它不会是最好或最经常的事情。”



在剧集播出后,杰克逊还与Access好莱坞进行了交谈,并表示他“非常高兴”。 “眼见为实。”


“我的体重减轻了25多磅,压力很大……没有睡觉,”他说。 “对我和我的家人来说,这是非常困难的。没有人愿意在强奸指控旁边看到他们的名字。”

“天堂傻瓜”丑闻:DeMario Jackson打破沉默


当然还有另一位演员对所有这些都要考虑 – 奥林匹克运动会.


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    On Monday night, “Bachelor in Paradise” fans finally had the chance to see the interaction between participants DeMario Jackson and Corinne Olympios that occurred before the “misconduct allegations” that led to the shows production being halted earlier this summer. Now, Jackson says he feels his footage proves his innocence. Although Warner Bros. internal investigation concluded that “the tape does not support any charge of misconduct by a cast member,” this is the first time footage surrounding the incident – though not including it – has been made public. “I feel like theyve rolled enough tape,” Jackson told Entertainment Tonights season-four premiere. “You cant show too much, because thats disrespectful to Corinne and to me, and I just feel like its not the best or the classiest thing to do.” According to the reality star, its important for viewers to see that “she was lucid, I was lucid.” “This isnt a drunken pool party, you know what I mean? This is like where things got wild because it was more of like a sexual nature,” he explained. After the episode aired, Jackson also spoke with Access Hollywood and said he was “very happy.” “Seeing is believing.” For him, the audiences support was important after the controversy first broke. “I lost about 25 pounds, stress is great…I havent slept,” he said. “For me and my family, it was really difficult. Nobody wants to see their name attached to something like that.” Of course, theres still another actor to consider in all of this – Olympios. A sit-down interview with her will air on “Bachelor in Paradise” on August 28.

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