Courtney Love告诉Amanda Bynes“把它拉到一起” 2023

Courtney Love告诉Amanda Bynes“把它拉到一起”

Courtney Love可能是Amanda Bynes的精神姐妹:毒品和酗酒,逮捕,Twitter咆哮。但是,当爱情周一晚上发推文时敦促这位陷入困境的女演员“将它拉到一起宝贝”,拜恩斯并不欣赏这种强硬的爱情.

“考特尼爱是我见过的最丑陋的女人,”拜恩斯周二发表反驳。 “她的提及让我和我所有的朋友都笑了!”

很多人,包括演员乔尔麦克海尔,似乎都看到了这种情况的讽刺。 “我自1988年以来最大的吐痰。感谢考特尼,”麦克海尔在推特上写道.




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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the topic. However, the article discusses the similarities between Courtney Love and Amanda Bynes in terms of drug and alcohol abuse, arrests, and Twitter rants. Love urged Bynes to pull herself together, but Bynes did not appreciate her tough love and called Love the ugliest woman she has ever seen. Many people, including actor Joel McHale, found the situation ironic and made sarcastic comments on Twitter. Love, on the other hand, defended herself and reminded others to be kind to Bynes, who is a talented young woman going through ups and downs. Love has a history of using Twitter to criticize other celebrities, such as Rihanna and Jenny McCarthy.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the topic. However, the article discusses the similarities between Courtney Love and Amanda Bynes in terms of drug and alcohol abuse, arrests, and Twitter rants. Love urged Bynes to pull herself together, but Bynes did not appreciate her tough love and called Love the ugliest woman she has ever seen. Many people, including actor Joel McHale, found the situation ironic and made sarcastic comments on Twitter. Love, on the other hand, defended herself and reminded others to be kind to Bynes, who is a talented young woman going through ups and downs. Love has a history of using Twitter to criticize other celebrities, such as Rihanna and Jenny McCarthy.

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