前’Cosby Show’演员Geoffrey Owens将出现在’NCIS:New Orleans’

前’Cosby Show’演员Geoffrey Owens将出现在’NCIS:New Orleans’

没人会 选择 成为羞辱病毒照片的主题.


你可能还记得,这位57岁的老人上周在福克斯新闻和其他网点散发他在新泽西州的Trader Joe’s工作的照片后发了大新闻。在此之后,他得到了粉丝和同行的大力支持 – 工作机会开始涌入.

这位前“科斯比”演员将作为名为Commander Adams的角色出现在“NCIS”中,他是特工Steide的朋友,由Scott Bakula饰演.

“对于亚当斯指挥官来说,我们需要一个有同情心,能力和内心的人,”执行制片人克里斯托弗西尔伯告诉EW。 “简直就是杰弗里。这位出色的演员似乎非常适合加入我们扩展的剧目公司。我们很幸运能让他参加演出。”

杰弗里 Owens
Geoffrey Owens的角色Elvin是Sabrina Le Beauf扮演的最大的Huxtable女儿Sondra的丈夫. (C)Carsey-Werner Co / Courtesy Evere / Courtesy Everett Collection

这项工作取决于Tyler Perry在Twitter上的提议,让Owens出现在OWN的一个节目中,“The Haves and Have Nots”。据EW报道,欧文斯将在节目的第六季播出10集.

欧文斯有着长期的职业生涯,但他在“The Cosby Show”中担任Elvin Tibideaux的角色是他的第一个重要角色。他继续出现在“法律与秩序”,“剩饭”和“黑名单”等节目中,以及即将上映的电影“不可能的怪物”中的明星。

他填补了各种工作岗位之间的时间,但他表示,一旦病毒传播,他必须在15个月后退出Trader Joe’s.



“我不希望被提供的东西,”欧文斯告诉娱乐今晚。 “作为其结果之一,这将是可爱的,有些门可以让我有机会参加试镜。我会很感激 – 总是像所有演员一样。我不一定觉得很舒服结果如此.


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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the topic. However, the article discusses how former “The Cosby Show” actor Geoffrey Owens will be appearing on “NCIS: New Orleans” after a photo of him working at Trader Joes went viral. Owens will play the role of Commander Adams, a friend of Agent Pride, played by Scott Bakula. The job opportunity came after Tyler Perry offered Owens a role on his show “The Haves and Have Nots” on Twitter. Owens has had a long career, but his role as Elvin Tibideaux on “The Cosby Show” was his first major role. He has continued to appear on various TV shows and movies, but had to leave Trader Joes after the photo went viral.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion on the topic. However, the article discusses how former “The Cosby Show” actor Geoffrey Owens will be appearing in “NCIS: New Orleans” after a photo of him working at Trader Joes went viral. Owens will be playing the role of Commander Adams, a friend of Agent Pride, played by Scott Bakula. The job opportunity came after Tyler Perry offered Owens a role in his show “The Haves and Have Nots” on Twitter. Owens has had a long career in acting, but his role as Elvin Tibideaux on “The Cosby Show” was his first major role. Despite filling various jobs in between acting gigs, Owens was forced to leave Trader Joes after the photo went viral.

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