请参阅Christopher Walken在今天选择他最喜欢的Christopher Walken印象

请参阅Christopher Walken在今天选择他最喜欢的Christopher Walken印象

克里斯托弗·沃肯(Christopher Walken)是独一无二的,但这是他独特的风格 – 可识别的声音和态度 – 这使他成为好莱坞最模仿的演员之一.




虽然任何一个演员在闯入他们的模仿时都没有误会,但Walken解释说他并不总是开玩笑 – 一开始.

“当人们这样做时,我永远不知道他们在做什么,”他说。 “然后我就赶上了。”

相关:观看Kevin Spacey对Johnny Carson和Christopher Walken的’Tonight’印象


看完Tina Fey,Kevin Pollak,Bradley Cooper,Kevin Spacey和其他人后,他不得不承认,“Kevin非常好。”

但凯文呢?虽然Pollak的伟大不可否认,但我们有一种感觉,Walken意味着他的朋友和“Nine Lives”联合主演Spacey,他对2010年AFI奖的印象真的很值得一看.

在8月5日全国影院上映时,你可以在他们的大屏幕猫喜剧“Nine Lives”中观看Walken和Spacey,但你不必等待那么长时间与Walken和一些猫科动物的朋友一起笑.


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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a comment in English on the topic:

    Christopher Walken is undoubtedly a unique actor, and his recognizable voice and attitude have made him one of the most imitated actors in Hollywood. From sitcoms to award shows to late-night TV, it seems like everyone in Tinseltown has been influenced by Walkens performances. In a recent interview, Walken admitted that he didnt always realize when people were imitating him, but he appreciates the similar voices of Kevin Spacey and Kevin Pollak. Fans can catch Walken and Spacey in their upcoming film “Nine Lives,” but for a sneak peek, check out Walkens appearance on TODAY with some furry, adoptable pets and a few chaotic kittens.

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