金属比基尼时间! Carrie Fisher因“星球大战”而减掉了40磅

金属比基尼时间! Carrie Fisher因“星球大战”而减掉了40磅


Carrie Fisher的妈妈,传奇女演员兼歌手Debbie Reynolds本周告诉Mario Lopez“Extra”她的女儿已经减掉了40磅,准备好重新启动这部受欢迎的电影系列.

“她对此感到非常兴奋……从那时起她一直在节食,因为你知道他们必须达到标准,所以她看起来很棒,”雷诺兹说。 “我们都非常兴奋,因为我们都喜欢’星球大战’。”

费舍尔正加入哈里森福特(Han Solo)和马克哈米尔(卢克天行者)以及J.J.的许多新人。艾布拉姆斯执导的“第七集”将于2015年12月在影院上演.


图片: Carrie Fisher
Carrie Fisher于4月30日在伦敦.今天




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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the content of the topic, it appears to be written in Chinese. The article discusses the weight loss of actress Carrie Fisher, who is preparing for her role as Princess Leia in the upcoming Star Wars movie. Her mother, Debbie Reynolds, revealed that Fisher has lost 40 pounds and is excited to restart the popular film series. The article also mentions Fishers desire to wear the iconic metal bikini costume in the movie. Overall, the article provides updates on the progress of the upcoming Star Wars movie and the preparations of its cast members.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, I can provide a translation of the given text in English:

    Alert Jatbakh Hhet: Princess Leia is shaping up for “Star Wars: Episode VII” and may need to dirty up that creepy old metal bikini he forced her to wear in “Return of the Jedi.” Carrie Fishers mother, legendary actress and singer Debbie Reynolds, told Mario Lopez on “Extra” this week that her daughter has lost 40 pounds and is ready to reboot the popular film series. “Shes very excited about it… Shes been on a diet ever since, because you know they have to be up to par, so she looks terrific,” Reynolds said. “Were all excited because we love Star Wars.” Fisher joins Harrison Ford (Han Solo) and Mark Hamill (Luke Skywalker) as well as many newcomers for J.J. Abrams-directed “Episode VII,” which hits theaters in December 2015. Last year, the 57-year-old actress told the Calgary Herald she was happy to be able to fit into her Leia costumes again. Fisher was in London on April 30. “Im glad they are doing a new movie because they are sending a trainer to my house so I can get in really good shape,” Fisher said. In 2011, Fisher told TODAY she lost 50 pounds on the Jenny Craig diet plan and wanted to “get into the metal bikini and walk around the house like an idiot.” Leias metal bikini, or slave bikini, is a popular costume, particularly among cosplayers who frequently attend conventions and similar events. The only website, leiasmetalbikini.com, delves into all things related to the iconic fashion statement.

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