Cameron Diaz说,现在她有丈夫Benji Madden,“没什么大不了”

Cameron Diaz说,现在她有丈夫Benji Madden,“没什么大不了”

在与丈夫Benji Madden安顿下来之前,Cameron Diaz和一些名人约会 – 包括Jared Leto,Justin Timberlake和Alex Rodriguez.


卡梅隆 - 迪亚兹,石磊劲爆戏弄 - 今天 - 160407
洛杉矶,加州 – 1月27日:Benji Madden(L)和卡梅伦迪亚兹参加在华盛顿巫术师和洛杉矶湖人队之间的篮球比赛在2015年1月27日的斯台普斯中心在洛杉矶,加利福尼亚。 (摄影:Noel Vasquez / GC Images)Noel Vasquez / Getty Images

这位43岁的老人说:“现在我的丈夫没有任何意义。” “我甚至都不记得那些……就像那样,那就是我知道他是我的丈夫 – 因为没有人比较。其他所有的东西都只是一种洗涤和溜走。你意识到,’哦,对,这就是真实的东西。这就是真正的承诺和奉献。这就是你建立自己生活的人。’“





“我们在朋友面前在我们的起居室结婚,”她说。 “我们在网球场的后院举行了一场小型派对,是的 – 否则就会出现其他问题。”



关注Ree Hines 推特.

About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or preference on the topic. However, the article discusses Cameron Diazs past relationships with celebrities such as Jared Leto, Justin Timberlake, and Alex Rodriguez before settling down with her husband Benji Madden. Diaz mentioned in an interview that her past relationships did not hold any significance compared to her current marriage. She expressed her happiness and contentment with her husband and their simple wedding ceremony. Diaz also mentioned that having children is a much more significant job.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or preference on the topic. However, the article discusses Cameron Diazs past relationships with celebrities such as Jared Leto, Justin Timberlake, and Alex Rodriguez before settling down with her husband Benji Madden. Diaz mentioned in an interview that her past relationships did not hold any significance compared to her current marriage. She expressed her happiness and contentment with her husband and their simple wedding ceremony. Diaz also mentioned that having children is a much more significant job.

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