‘Breaking Bad’明星Bryan Cranston:’我们被教导如何制作’

‘Breaking Bad’明星Bryan Cranston:’我们被教导如何制作’

布莱恩·克兰斯顿(Bryan Cranston)的确如此令人信服,因为迈克尔厨师沃尔特·怀特(Walter White)在“打破坏人”(Breaking Bad)。 (除了事实上他是一个了不起的演员,就是这样。)当他准备好他所谓的“他生命中最伟大的角色”时,他可能已经有过一些练习。.

当AMC热播剧的明星星期二在SiriusXM上播放“霍华德斯特恩秀”以宣传他的新电影“Argo”时,他从他的主持人的一些调查中得知他是如何进入终极角色的 – 生病的化学老师变成了药物主销.


但斯特恩没有购买获得艾美奖的演员声称他从未煮过一两批。 “我有一种感觉,你实际上煮熟了,”震惊的运动员说。 “我想,就像在为这个角色做准备一样,DEA会让你做一些小问题。”

“也许,”演员开玩笑。 “我不能告诉你一种方式。这是非常困难的(烹饪方法)。它有很多不稳定的成分,在任何给定的时间,你可以真正地炸掉。所以你必须非常小心,非常具体地遵循这一点。大多数厨师也都是自己的头脑。这就是为什么他们遇到麻烦你会看到烧伤痕迹,或者他们的手都缺了。“

斯特恩没有让它在那里结束。 “当你煮熟的时候,你的批次怎么样?说实话!”他坚持说.

“好吧,我做了一个,一个没有坚果,”克兰斯顿开玩笑说。 “我是一位非常好的厨师。”

最后八集“Breaking Bad”将于2013年7月开始在AMC播出.



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About the author


  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or preference on the topic. However, the article discusses Bryan Cranstons preparation for his role as Walter White in Breaking Bad, including his training with a chemist consultant to learn the exact process of making drugs. The article also includes a humorous exchange between Cranston and the host of the Howard Stern Show about Cranstons cooking skills and his experience preparing for the role. The final eight episodes of Breaking Bad aired in July 2013.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or preference on the topic. However, the article discusses Bryan Cranstons preparation for his role as Walter White in Breaking Bad, including his training with a chemist consultant to learn the exact process of making drugs. The article also includes a humorous exchange between Cranston and the host of the Howard Stern Show about Cranstons cooking skills and his experience preparing for the role. The final eight episodes of Breaking Bad aired in July 2013.

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