‘Breaking Bad’指示:’记住我的名字’

‘Breaking Bad’指示:’记住我的名字’

你不要忘记Walter White和Heisenberg。这是AMC最新发布的8集“Breaking Bad”关键艺术的消息,该片将于8月开播.

图片: Breaking Bad
布莱恩克兰斯顿的沃尔特怀特 – 又名海森堡 – 回来准备好战斗.今天

是的,沃尔特 – 由令人惊叹的布莱恩·克兰斯顿(Bryan Cranston)扮演 – 最初是一个善良,充满爱心的家庭男人和化学老师,他在癌症诊断后开始烹饪方法。在他去世后,确保亲人的财务安全是最后的手段。然后他变成了令人难忘的,操纵的,致命的海森堡,一个致力于建立帝国并在毒品世界中展现其不断增强的力量的人.

他可能在2012年年底妻子Skyler的催促下似乎已经放弃了他可笑的利润丰厚的交易,但正如观众可能记得的那样,最后一集以姐夫和DEA特工Hank结束,他意识到看似温和的男人是一个无情的毒品主销。如果这张照片有任何迹象,沃尔特 – 用双手揉成拳头并且“不要惹我眩光” – 如果没有大而大的战斗就不会失败.


8月11日星期日晚上9点,“Breaking Bad”的最后一次回归。在AMC.

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a personal opinion or preference on the topic. However, I can provide a translation of the text in English:

    “Dont forget Walter White and Heisenberg. This is the latest news from AMCs 8-episode “Breaking Bad” key art, which will premiere in August. Bryan Cranstons Walter White – also known as Heisenberg – is back and ready to fight. Today, Walter – played by the amazing Bryan Cranston – was initially a kind, loving family man and chemistry teacher who started cooking after being diagnosed with cancer. Ensuring his familys financial security was his last resort. Then he became the unforgettable, manipulative, and deadly Heisenberg, a man dedicated to building an empire and showcasing his growing power in the drug world. He may have seemed to have given up his ridiculous lucrative deals under his wife Skylers urging at the end of 2012, but as viewers may remember, the last episode ended with his brother-in-law and DEA agent Hank realizing that the seemingly mild-mannered man was a ruthless drug lord. If this photo is any indication, Walter – with his fists clenched and “dont tread on me” – wont fail without a big fight. After such an epic journey, this is the only right way to say goodbye and cement his place in TV history. But the question remains: will he be remembered as family member Walter White or drug lord Heisenberg? On Sunday, August 11th at 9 pm, “Breaking Bad” will make its final return on AMC.”

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