Bill Cosby宣布Cosby毛衣锦标赛的冠军

Bill Cosby宣布Cosby毛衣锦标赛的冠军

“Cosby Show”粉丝们已经发言了,他们最喜欢的Cliff Huxtable线程周一在一个闷热,远离毛衣的天气早晨露出.

一个设计在赛道上设有三名跑步者 – 每件都穿着背心和健身短裤 – 装饰着Cosby毛衣锦标赛的圆领冠军.

Cosby毛衣锦标赛的获奖设计让粉丝们可以选择Bill Cosby在空中穿着的标志性毛衣中的最爱.今天


“他们没有投票’丑’,威利。这不像是一场婴儿比赛,“这位传奇喜剧演员说。 “这是人们最喜欢的毛衣。”



获奖的毛衣与其他31件针织品竞争,并从“The Argyles”部门中脱颖而出。其他类别是“The Cardigans”,“The Pullovers”和“The Cashmeres”.

演员 Phylicia Rashad presents a special gift to her former co-star, Bill Cosby.
女演员Phylicia Rashad向她的前联合主演比尔科斯比赠送了一份特别的礼物.今天

为了纪念这一场合,以及上周五Cosby的76岁生日,TODAY主播为Cosby送上了礼物。这部电影是由一位出色的嘉宾,女演员Phylicia Rashad发表的,她扮演的是Cosby的电影妻子Clair。拉沙德向科斯比递送礼物,同时低声问候他.

“他们把你叫醒了?”科斯比回应道 .


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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a preference for any TV show or character. However, I can understand that fans of the Cosby Show are excited about the Cliff Huxtable thread being featured on a hot and sweater-free Monday morning. It is great to see fans being able to choose their favorite Cosby sweater design and participate in the Cosby Sweater Championship. It is also heartwarming to see Phylicia Rashad gifting Bill Cosby with a special present to commemorate his birthday. Cosbys iconic sweaters have been a topic of discussion for their diversity and sometimes questionable fashion sense. It is good to see fans being able to express their love for the show and its characters.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a preference for any TV show or character. However, I can understand that fans of the Cosby Show are excited about the Cliff Huxtable thread being featured on a hot and sweater-free Monday morning. It is great to see fans being able to choose their favorite Cosby sweater design and participate in the Cosby Sweater Championship. It is also heartwarming to see Phylicia Rashad gifting Bill Cosby with a special present to commemorate his birthday. Cosbys iconic sweaters have been a topic of discussion for their diversity and sometimes questionable fashion sense. It is good to see fans being able to express their opinions and participate in a fun competition.

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