Arby以4400美元的价格收购了Pharrell Williams的标志性帽子

Arby以4400美元的价格收购了Pharrell Williams的标志性帽子

法瑞尔 Williams and his hat.
Pharrell Williams和他的帽子.DANNY MOLOSHOK /今天

重逢,感觉这么好。 Arby’s,在格莱美奖期间获得了一点免费插头,当时Pharrell Williams戴着一个类似于快餐连锁店徽标的Vivienne Westwood帽子,通过赢得eBay头饰拍卖,带来了一切完整的圈子. 


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    Pharrell Williams and his hat. DANNY MOLOSHOK / Todays reunion feels so good. Arbys got a little free plug during the Grammy Awards when Pharrell Williams wore a Vivienne Westwood hat resembling the fast-food chains logo, bringing everything full circle by winning the eBay auction for the headgear. The company paid $44,100 at the auction, which closed on Sunday before the Oscars began. Proceeds will go from Williams charity to another. Williams thanked the anonymous bidder on Twitter – and Arbys quickly replied to their response. .@Pharrell + you + talent + us + happy + to + support + A + great cause + + + get + our + hat + back. + Good luck + + at + #Oscars tonight +! – +Arbys +(@Arbys) +March +3, +2014 + This ends the back-and-forth that began in January when Pharrell first made a major sound on the red carpet wearing a red hat with an oversized hat, and Arbys tweet was: Hey +@Pharrell, +CAN +we +have +our +hat +back? +#GRAMMYs – +Arbys +(@Arbys) +January +27, +2014 + Williams right-back: You all + tryna + start + A + roast beef +? ++ “@Arbys: +Hey +@Pharrell, +CAN +we +have +our +hat +back? +#GRAMMYs” – +Pharrell Williams +(@Pharrell) +January +27, +2014 + There is currently no word on how the chain will handle the hat or whether it will bid on the musicians tuxedo shorts, which garnered more headlines at Sunday nights Oscars.

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