艾伦·希克(Alan Thicke)揭示了他为何与“成长的痛苦”(Growing Pains)联合主演乔安娜科恩斯(Joanna Kerns

艾伦·希克(Alan Thicke)揭示了他为何与“成长的痛苦”(Growing Pains)联合主演乔安娜科恩斯(Joanna Kerns

来自经典的’80年代情景喜剧“成长的痛苦”的Seaver家族是一群可爱的人,但正如明星周一所透露的明星Alan Thicke所说,他们可能已经结束了.

Alan Thicke讲述了“成长的烦恼”背后的浪漫谣言


特别是他与他的相机妻子,由乔安娜科恩斯扮演。 “她不能把手从我身上移开!”他笑到了Tamron Hall和Billy Bush.

Joanna Kerns和Alan Thicke在“成长的烦恼”中认真对待这份工作。ABC通过Getty Images

更多:再次向我展示笑容! “成长的痛苦”变成了30岁:然后看到演员


蒂克承认不是。但故事还有更多内容。 “我们从一开始就非常喜欢对方,”他说。 “但后来我们想,’你知道,这是可能的,这是一个很好的节目,它可能比关系更持久。’”


“演员在历史上感到无聊,”现在与他的第三任妻子Tanya Callau结婚的Thicke说道,他在真人秀“Unusually Thicke”中担任主角。然后他抛出了一个zinger:“演员让Taylor Swift看起来像是一个长期的承诺。”

艾伦 Thicke
Tamron Hall,Billy Bush和Alan Thicke对好莱坞关系大笑不已.Nathan Congleton /今天

更多:Alan Thicke总结了新节目:这是’Honey Boo Boo遇见Larry David’

无论如何,Kerns和Thicke很早就发现了他们最擅长的关系。 “我们见面的方式,在我们的试镜中,他们只是把一对人扔在一起,”他说。 “是的,’嗨,这是乔安妮!’ ‘舌?’ “我不这么认为!”


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艾伦·赛克(Alan Thicke)在加拿大的“不寻常的事情上”,并且变得“比格雷茨基更大”


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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the topic provided, it seems to be in Chinese. The article talks about the beloved Seaver family from the classic 80s sitcom “Growing Pains” and how it may have come to an end. Alan Thicke, who played the father in the show, shared some romantic rumors behind the scenes, particularly with his on-screen wife played by Joanna Kerns. Thicke admitted that they had a great relationship but clarified that it was not a long-term commitment. The article also mentioned Thickes current marriage and his involvement in a reality show. Overall, the article provides some interesting insights into the behind-the-scenes of “Growing Pains” and the relationships between the cast members.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the topic, it seems to be related to the American TV show “Growing Pains” from the 80s. The article talks about the romantic rumors behind the show and the relationship between the actors Alan Thicke and Joanna Kerns. Thicke denies the rumors but admits that they had a great working relationship. The show was a long-running hit and a significant part of Hollywoods celebrity culture. Thicke now jokes about how the actors relationships make Taylor Swifts long-term commitments look like nothing. Overall, the article provides an interesting insight into the behind-the-scenes of a classic TV show.

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