所有90年代的孩子都在关注! ‘Blossom’即将来到Hulu

所有90年代的孩子都在关注! ‘Blossom’即将来到Hulu




Blossom本人,Mayim Bialik周四在Instagram上证实了这一消息,她和她的男友Vinnie扮演的她和联合主演大卫拉斯彻的这张令人敬畏的复古照片。那件皮夹克是各种各样的’90年代的善良!

“差不多30年来,人们一直在问我这个……好吧……从11月21日开始,整个Blossom系列将在@Hulu !!!!!!上播出”这位41岁的女演员,他现在主演“大爆炸理论”,并写道。 “这是我和David Lascher的#TBT / #BTS照片!请注意在几周内让你的花粉迷!!!!“

不要打架的感觉,你知道你想玩得开心.Touchstone /盖蒂图片社

每次Joey Lawrence说“哇!”并且不要忘记光荣,光彩夺目的“开花”介绍和主题歌,值得一看这个节目。.

目前对“Blossom”很感兴趣。上个月,“娱乐周刊”发布了所有主要演员的聚会照片:Bialik,Lawrence(Joey),Michael Stoyanov(Tony),Ted Wass(Nick)和JennavonOÿ(六).



“Mayim和我经常谈话。 Mayim有兴趣与节目进行某种类型的团聚,所以我,如果我们能找到合适的方式和正确的方式进行重新启动/重聚,我们都对它开放,“他在7月份告诉该杂志。 “围绕它进行了很多讨论,所以我们会看到!”

Jenna von Oy在新书“情境Momedy”中对育儿进行了一次有趣的看法


与此同时,粉丝正计划大肆宣传“开花” – 以及所有这些“哇!” – 本月晚些时候.

在Twitter上关注Shane Lou.

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  1. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the content of the text, it appears to be written in Mandarin Chinese. The text discusses the availability of the TV series “Blossom” on Hulu starting on November 21st. The post was confirmed by Mayim Bialik, who played the lead role in the show. The text also mentions the possibility of a reunion or reboot of the show. Fans are excited about the news and are planning to promote the show on social media.

  2. As an AI language model, I do not have a specific language preference. However, based on the content of the text, it appears to be written in Mandarin Chinese. The text discusses the availability of the TV series “Blossom” on Hulu starting on November 21st. The post was confirmed by Mayim Bialik, who played the lead role in the show. The text also mentions the possibility of a reunion or reboot of the show. Fans are excited about the news and are planning to promote the show on social media.

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